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Episode 17, "Farewell"

Previously, on Friends and Foes:

-Stephanie returned to love Devin, sending Meredith into a jealous rage

-Alex was called by the producers of Crystal Cove in New York and was asked to fly in the next day, and later was accepted into UCLA

-Jeff, joining a cult, was thrown into an underground cellar in the middle of the desert in Nevada, as an "initiation ritual"

-Alex saw Tristan in the mirror again.

-Amber helped Taylor find an article about his father’s death…



"Alex, are you ready?" Alex’s mom hollers from another room.

"Yeah, Mom." Alex says, as he shoves a few more articles of clothing into his suitcase. His room is now completely barren, accept for his bed and desk. What path has he chosen? What destiny? Which future beholds him?

Alex hurries down stairs to confront his mother.

"Mom, can I go say good-bye to Taylor, Devin, Jeff, and Derek?" Alex pleads. Sara sighs, looks at her watch, and replies.

"Fine, but be back by 3, your flight is at 5:30 and we don’t want to miss it!"




Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin Barbieri

James Van Der Beek as Jeff Moore

Guest Starring:

Amy Jo Johnson as Stephanie Bahr

Claire Danes as Meredith Lillywhite

Larisa Oleynik as Amber Newell

Matt Damon as Derek Davis

Joan Collins as Sara Harrison (Alex’s Mother)

With Katherine Sutherland as Brandi’s Mother

And Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi



Stephanie walks out of Devin’s hospital room. By the looks of her fuzzy hair and her tired eyes, it appears as though Stephanie fell asleep in the hospital.

As she makes for the exit, she collides abruptly with Meredith.

"Watch it, skank!" Meredith yells jealously. She hasn’t taken Stephanie’s return lightly.

"No need to be rude." Stephanie smirks, offended.

"Look who’s talking…"

"Are you insinuating that I am rude? You’re the one snapping at me!" Stephanie replies angrily.

"Oh don’t play innocent with me, Stephanie. You and I both know that you are after Devin. Well, news flash, Lady. Devin is mine and it is going to stay that way!"

"Is that a threat?" Stephanie implies, getting into Meredith’s face.

"Yes!" Meredith snaps back.

"Well, here’s a threat for ya," Stephanie hisses, raising a fist in the air. "So shut up."

"Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and make me." Meredith stares Stephanie down.

"You sure have nerves! What do you think gives you the right to be rude, be obnoxious, be inconsiderate and implicate complete crap?!!"

"The fact that you are a home-wrecker!"

"You just can’t help it can you?" Stephanie says.

"Help what?"

"Being such a nasty *****."

"This is stupid. It’s time to smack down the law. Devin is mine, so keep your hands off of him!" Meredith warns.

"Oh no, no, no. I will put my hands where ever I please."

"Oh you will," Meredith growls, "Well, so will I."

With that said, Meredith reaches back and gives Stephanie a fierce slap to the face.

"The feeling’s mutual." Stephanie says as she slaps Meredith back, returning the favor. "You just can’t take it can you, that Devin loves me and not you."

"Screw you." Meredith bites, shoving Stephanie away.

"Don’t friggin touch me you psycho!" Stephanie growls as she leaps at Meredith and tackles her to the ground, "It’s time to give it up. Devin and me are meant to be together, and you are just his sex toy. You are a worthless tramp. He loves me, that’s right, me. We went out for 4 years and we are in LOVE. Now THAT…is smacking down the law."

Stephanie stands up,brushing herself off, and marches off, victorious. As Stephanie walks away, she throws her head back and yells, "Why don’t you go take Derek?"

Although the thought does strike a fancy, Meredith’s ego is bruised.

"You may have won this battle," Meredith snarls, "But the war is just beginning."



Jeff struggles violently with the trap door, the situation all to familiar.

"Let me out, you psycho’s!!" Jeff screams, the realization that the cult was NOT right for him kicking in.

"Please?!!!" Jeff screams again. Suddenly, the trap door flies open, and someone helps him out.

Jeff is speechless in gratefulness, as he looks into the man’s eyes. What he sees shocks him.

"Max?" Jeff says, squinting at the figure standing before him.

"Yes. Hurry, there isn't much time!" Max says as he grabs Jeff's arm and starts to run to his car that he hid conspicuously.

Jeff cannot believe it. The man who raped Stephanie and was an apprentice to the serial murders is helping him escape.



"I couldn’t have done it without you. I couldn’t have found all this info about my father’s death without you." Taylor thanks Amber.

Amber just smiles. "Taylor, I love you, and I will do anything to help you."

"You don’t know how much peace this gives me, knowing that I didn’t murder my father," Taylor sighs, "I mean, day and night I tore myself apart with guilt and now, finally, after so long, I know the truth. That he was murdered by a robber. The puzzle of my life is now closer to complete."

Amber smiles. "I just don’t get why Dr. Latte lied to you about it."

"Who knows. But she is the reason for all my troubles. Now all we need to do is find out about my sister, who she is, if she exists, and if she is alive."

"That is going to be the hard part. I really doubt there is going to be an article on her." Amber frowns. "But there must be a way."

A knock comes from the door. Amber opens it, and it is Alex.

"Alex, hi." Amber says.

"I thought you would be here," Alex says to Taylor, "Can we talk?"

"Sure." Taylor says, joining Alex alone in the living room of Amber’s house.

"Taylor, I’m leaving."

"What? Where?" Taylor asks.

"It’s that T.V show, they want me to fly in for filming today." Alex starts. "I also got accepted into UCLA. I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Man!" Taylor frowns. "Well, let me come with you to the airport."

"OK, but I’m going to go see Devin and Derek and Jeff before I go, ok?"

"Alright, let’s go." Taylor says. As they head out the door, Taylor waves to Amber who smiles.



Brandi walks outside. The sun is starting to set, as Brandi takes her first whiff of fresh country air. Her eyes start to well up.

"I’m finally free." She says, the calm breeze blowing the hair away from her face. "Free from jail, free from Zaltar, free from torture."

"Well, you’re lucky I got you out on parole." Brandi’s mom says as she walks by. "And I hope your going to apologize to Alex. You have done your damage at his expense."

"I know, Mom. And I can only think of one way to apologize to him."


"In person. I have to get this behind me." Brandi says. Little does she know that Alex will soon board a plane to New York…



Meredith, having left the scene of the catfight, walks into Derek's hospital room.

"Hey Meredith." Derek whispers as he lays with a neck brace on.

"Hey Derek. This is all my fault, I am so sorry, and I guess this is the worst time to say this, but I can't be with you. I'm with Devin."

"I know, but I love you. And I know you love me to. What am I supposed to do, ignore my feelings for you?" Derek says.

"I have no other choice! I love you guys both, but I am already with Devin it wouldn't be right..."

"Meredith, atleast consider it." Derek says.

"Don't worry about that. I definitely will." Meredith replies.

Meredith and Derek kiss passionately.



Alex sits alone in a valley of long, yellow grass, swaying quietly in the breeze. The sun shines in the sky, which is bright blue with a few pearl white clouds hovering above.

Alex is speaking into a little tape recorder.

"To Devin, Jeff, and Taylor – I couldn’t find any of you anywhere, except for Taylor, and I can’t stay much longer, so here goes. Well, here I am. 17 years old and forced to make a life-altering decision. An excellent college, or an excellent TV show. New York, or Los Angeles? Or stay here with the people I trust and admire (that would be you). I’m sitting here, looking at the sky, in the same spot that I have for 5 years. In the quiet meadows where no one ever goes. But this time its different. It is the last time I will sit in this place that I have grown to trust and love. This place where I have shared my secrets and dwelled upon my thoughts. This is the last time I will see the sunset just beyond the Rockie Mountains at this place. At first I came here to sort out the issues of my parent’s divorce. Then, I always came here to think. To think about my life, and my mistakes and what I have done wrong and how to correct my errors. And now, all I can think about is the pain. The pain that I have experienced at such a young age, and the fact that I have to make this choice. Yes, I’m leaving you guys a little earlier then planned. But I want you guys to know…



Devin and Taylor are listening to Alex’s message…

"…that I love you all. You helped me when I was weak, you backed me up when I wasn’t feeling that confident, and most of all, you never let me dismiss the fact that somewhere out there in this crazy world, there is always someone who cares. Through all the pain that this life has thrown at me, you have been there to pull me through, you are the sole reason that I am still here. I will never forget what you guys have done for me, the gift that you have given me, and I will never forget you…"



"…The last thing I want to do is leave my best friends, my loyal friends, but I have no more choices. I will miss you guys a lot. Good-bye."

Tears of silence roll down Alex’s face, as he stops recording.

He sits quietly in the meadows, his eyes gazing into the lively sky. We see his mournful face and zoom out to see the beautiful meadows, bristling in the wind.



Alex takes his seat in the large airplane. He is very sad and distraught, his eyes weary from many tears. His mom waves from outside, as the plane begins to shake and lift off.

Alex glances out the window, remembering. A tear strolls down his cheek, a part of him feeling the repercussions of his departure…emptiness. Already missing his friends and Mom, Alex closes his eyes and hopes for a peaceful ride.

"Good-bye…" He whispers.

Meanwhile, outside, Brandi rushes through a crowd of people, pushing her way towards the front.

"Alex? Alex?!!" She cries out. Her need for closure turns into loss of hope and ultimate doom when she sees Alex’s plane flying away. She gazes at the plane as it flies away, and bows her head in shame.

"No." Brandi whispers.


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