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Episode 16, "Kidnapped"

Previously, on Friends and Foes:

-Devin and Derek went falling out Meredith’s 2 story window.

-The Outcast’s revealed to Jeff that the Carter-Way Cult was in Nevada, 2 states away.

-Alex got the role of Bailey Marks in the critically acclaimed primetime drama, "Crystal Cove", which films in New York

-Taylor revealed his secret to Amber, who agreed to find out the truth about his father and sister

-Meredith, having "feelings" for Derek, goes to Devin’s hospital room and mends their relationship, as Stephanie Bahr made her startling return!



"Stephanie?" Devin says, his jaw to the floor.

"Devin…" Stephanie sighs, tears welling up in her eyes. She dashes to Devin, "accidentally" nudging Meredith out of the way, and hugs him.

"I missed you so much!" Stephanie cries. Devin’s eyes are wide, his mouth dropped, still in complete shock.

"What…what happened?" Devin asks, a singular tear strolling down his face.

Meredith stands in the other end of the room, a jealous glare burning into Stephanie’s back, her arms crossed in a furious manner.




Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

James Van Der Beek as Jeff Moore

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin Barbieri

Guest Starring:

Amy Jo Johnson as Stephanie Bahr

Claire Danes as Meredith Lillywhite

Larisa Oleynik as Amber Newell

Jared Leto as Tristan Bany

Joan Collins as Sarah Harrison (Alex’s Mother)



Alex runs through the front door wearily, still upset about the psychotic appearance of Tristan the night before and happy that he got the part on a big TV show! As he enters the living room, he sees his mother, who is quite distraught.

"Mom? What’s wrong?" Alex says, concerned. He takes a seat next to his mom. She looks into his eyes.

"Alex, the producers from Crystal Cove called. They want you to fly in to New York for filming a little sooner then expected."

Alex is still un-worried. "Like when?"

"Like, tomorrow."

"What?!" Alex exclaims, "But, they said in August! Graduation is next week, I can’t miss it!"

"You have some other choices too…" Sara says, as she pulls a folded letter out of her pocket.

Alex takes it, unfolds it, and begins to read. " ’Mr. Harrison, We would like to congratulate you on your acceptance into the University of California Los Angeles for your career objective in film… Oh my God…"

With the appearance of Tristan, the acceptance into UCLA, and the move to New York to star in a popular television drama, Alex breaks down on the couch.



There are only valleys of sand and hills in this desolate Nevada spot, as the red Chevy Suburban pulls up to a lonely log cabin in the center of the World of sand.

Jeff and many other of the outcasts pour out of the SUV and stretch on front of the cabin as Carter, apparently the leader (as the cult IS called the Carter-Way), stands before his ‘people’.

"My fellow disciples, we have gathered at this retreat to connect with our inner-spiritual beings, to allow ourselves to see the truth of our ways, and to punish ourselves for our sins…"

Jeff nods, smiling, enthusiastic, now completely brain-washed into believing this cult, into becoming an outcast.

"Our newest member, Jeff Moore, has come to us, and as tradition follows, will complete the initiation ritual." Carter smiles, waving his hand towards Jeff. The crowd applauds.

Jeff’s expression becomes confused. "Ritual?"

"You must spend 5 days in the Chamber of the Way." Carter says kindly, almost reassuringly.

"What’s that?" Jeff asks, concerned, afraid. Two of Carter’s "henchmen" take Jeff by the arms and drag him 100 yards into the desert.

Jeff struggles violently, trying to escape, but these two henchmen are in shape, and very strong. He is unable to escape them as they arrive to their destination. They open a little cellar door to reveal a VERY small amount of space, a trap-box under the sand.

"You’re going to put me in THERE? That’s the size of my bed!" Jeff screams in horror. "Under the sand? For 5 days? Without food or water?!!"

"That is the Carter Way, to feel your spiritual being and to feed your hunger through religion…" One of the henchmen, who has obviously been brainwashed, says.

"NO!" Jeff screams as the two henchmen toss Jeff into the little cellar. They close the door, lock the hatch, and kick sand over the cellar door so it is no longer visible.

"NO! Help me! Let me out!" Jeff screams.

"C’mon," One of the henchmen says, "There is a sand storm coming." The two henchmen start to jog back to the cabin as Jeff continues to scream.



Devin sits, listening attentively to Stephanie’s explanation for being alive. Meredith is no longer present.

"I was taken to the hospital. I was never dead." She says.

"Then where have you been for the last 3 1/2 months?" Devin inquires.

"Um, Max came back to finish the job." Stephanie looks down as she begins to cry. "The only way I thought I could escape was to skip town."

"Oh my God!" Devin exclaims, the reality of Stephanie’s return has not sunk in yet. He hugs Stephanie, who continues to weep.

"And I’m sorry I didn’t have the chance to tell this to you before, but I love you Devin! I love you!" Stephanie cries as she grasps to Devin tightly.

A single tear rolls down Devin’s cheek silently as he tries to comfort Stephanie.

"I’m telling you Devin," Stephanie cries, "something is wrong with this town! It’s evil! A lot of crazy things are going down here, and we’re not going to survive here! We have to get out before it gets us all!"

Devin, scared at the thought that he agrees, mumbles silently.



Alex walks into his bathroom, greatly distraught and in severe angst.

"This is it," Alex says to himself as he looks into the mirror, "I have to make a choice now. If I go to UCLA, I can great education in the career I want, and go to my high school graduation, at the expense of starring in a television show. If I star in the TV show, I can have my career set for me, have great pay from a popular television show, but miss out on Graduation, an education, and regular college life. Either way, I’ll be leaving at least a year earlier than the rest of my friends."

As Alex tries to come up with a decision, Tristan appears in Alex’s mirror.

"Hello Alex…"

"What the Hell? It’s you again! Just leave me alone!" Alex screams at the mirror.

"I told you I am never leaving you Alex…and I will not rest until you have destroyed your own life!"

"No," Alex screams, "Leave me alone!" Alex rams his fist straight into the mirror, smashing it in to hundreds of pieces, shards of glass shattering around him.

As Alex falls to his knees, tearing his hair out in distress, the questions still remain. UCLA or New York?



Taylor and Amber sit, tired and weary, at a computer terminal in the library. There are barely any people around him, as a library attendant approaches the two.

"Excuse me, sir. We’re closing." The man says.

"OK, I just need a minute." Taylor answers. He types in some information. A few seconds later, Amber begins to instruct Taylor.

"Alright, this is a newspaper database. It has every news article from every newspaper in Colorado stored in it. But we need to feed it some information to narrow it down to an article about your father’s death." Amber starts. "OK, we know that the year of death was 1984. We know that his name was Scott Brookdale, and that the location was Pine Valley."

Taylor types in the information. He presses ‘Enter’ and 3 article titles appear on the screen. "Here’s one. The title of the article is ‘Father in Pine Valley attacked’…"

"OK, click on it and it will go to the actual article." Amber says. Taylor does so. A picture of Taylor’s dad appears, surrounded by the article.

"Oh my God, that’s my Dad!" Taylor gasps, tears welling up in his eyes.

"C’mon Taylor, work with me. Read the article, there might be some important information." Amber cooperatively instructs.

Taylor begins to read. He is reading the story, reading his father, and finally, reading the truth.



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