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MLM. It seems like more and more companies are going that route every day. Why? Because it works! But how does it work for the average guy, and what are the real expectations? First of all lets talk a little about Pyramid schemes and what to watch out for.
A pyramid scheme is illeagal and is usually desguised in many different forms. In a traditional pyramid scheme, no one can usually " pass up " the persons above them. With real MLM you can! How many of us have seen over and over those chain letter pyramid schemes that come in the mail all of the time? You know the ones that have a list of four to six people and your supposed to send each one a dollar or more and then put your name in the #1 spot as the rest bump down with the last one on the list being bumped off? Your then supposed to copy and mail out 200 or more of these and then reap thousands of dollars in a few weeks! Ya right. I have never known anyone to make more than a few bucks doing this, much less than the $80-$200 it cost to mail out the program and make copies etc.!
Usually you will not see any real product involved with these either. It might be a "special ( and useless ) report you get from each individual. Or the money you pay may be just a service fee to "place you on their special mailing list". These scams change with cleverness over the years as they become overly worn out. Note to that despite claims of legality often quoting postal codes that don't exist, these chain letter type plans are often very illegal! One thing to ask yourself whenever investigating a program is: Is there a legitamate product that I can use, or a legitamate service being offered? Remember, you don't make money unless there is a legitamate product or service offered.
I still believe in the traditional MLM concept. MLM has created more millionaires than any othe single type of business! But yet you hear of so many people who claimed they never could make any money, while others get rich doing it. What is the secret? Everyone wants to know! But who in reality is willing to do what it takes to succeed? Seriously think about that and ask yourself the question again. Please also see the link " why be in a hurry? " , I think every MLM'er should read this and use it to motivate their downlines! The bottom line is that their is no such thing as quick riches in mlm or any other type of business without the determination and persistance over a long haul to make it. Period.
You may have heard of program jumpers. These are the people who are determined to find fast money and they just know its out their. They end up getting into a program and if they have not had someone build them a huge downline or are not making thousands of dollars in a month or so, they quit! They then head off the the next program that they are so sure will "be the one". These people rarely ever do anyones downline any good. The few programs that I concentrate on I believe in. They are good legitamate and highly ranked companies. See my banners and notes on my home page, you'll be glad you did! Many people have different methods of building their businesses. Some do it by doing nothing but personal contact. Others by direct mail or meetings. Some by classified advertising. And of course the biggest wave that has made it easier for your average person, "the internet"! Many internet successes have made their huge incomes by things like, bulk e-mail ( be careful of spam guidlines ), or by banners on sites with good exposure, and links to high traffic malls, etc. Again the bottom line is: are you willing to look toward the LONG haul? Are you willing to do a LITTLE bit over and over to be successful? If so, then you may just make it! Just be patient. If you are looking for a good business, keep in mind that my groups from both of my main businesses are of the fastest growing in the companies. We have our own support pages along with company support pages, which means maximum spillover for you!