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Software and Programs

Supra Cruiter


Organizations spend lot of time, effort, and resources to find the best candidates from among the applicants.  However, unless the selection process is systematic and objective it leads to an enormous waste of the company’s investment.   We are proposing to select personnel for your industry based on aptitude testing, offer a short-list of candidates according to their capability for recruitment, and help you place them in suitable positions so that they perform at an optimum proficiency level.


To select, recruit, and place the best people available in terms of sensory-motor and psychosocial skills needed on the job.


To minimize time, effort, and resources used in the selection process

To objectively measure the skills required for the job.

To create a system so that selection, recruitment, and placement becomes easily manageable

To improve quality of work

To control employee turnover and dissatisfaction

To maximize productivity


Preliminary observation and initial discussion with the production staff of several organization in the manufacturing sector have revealed that the following skills need to be tested.  These skills have been categorized under the two heads: Sensory-motor skills and Psychosocial Skills.
Sensory-Motor Skills.  The cerebral cortex of the brain is endowed with sensory and motor areas on each side of the hemisphere that are responsible for sensation and movement.  Coordination between the two areas is very essential for engaging in complex activities.  Though the functioning of these areas is innate, some people have better aptitude to use these faculties resulting in greater speed and accuracy.  As some of these functions are essential for the nature of job a worker in the company has to engage in, it is necessary to measure them objectively.

Ø      Visual Acuity

Ø      Two-hand Coordination

Ø      Eye-hand Coordination

Ø      Manual Dexterity

Ø      Finger Dexterity

Ø      Tweezer Dexterity

Ø      Repetitive Behavior

Ø      Vigilance

Ø      Attention

Ø      Scanning

Ø      Eye-movement

Ø      Tracking

Ø      Saccade

Ø      Fixation

Ø      Handedness

Ø      Cortical Arousal

Ø      Color Identification

Psychosocial Skills.  The socialization process brings in certain changes in us that determine our daily behavior.  These skills are learnt depending upon the nature and amount of input, the training, the practice, motivation, interest, and several other factors.  Not all of these are retained over a period of time.  Hence, it is essential to measure the skills that exist at a given point of time.  The absence of such psychological and social skills leads to lack of adjustment in the individual.  The following are some of the skills to be tested.

Ø      Comprehension

Ø      Following Instructions

Ø      Executing

Ø      Decision Making

Ø      Attitudes

Ø      Emotional Balance

Ø      Patience

Ø      Perseverance

Ø      Moderate Intelligence

Ø      Moderate Motivational Level

Ø      Social Skills


Initiating an effective system for selection, recruitment, and placement requires that a standardized tool be used for Psychological Testing.  However, no adequate tests are available in the market for testing all the skills at the worker level.  Hence, a battery of tests needs to be devised and standardized according to the company’s requirement after which it can be used for the objectives outlined.  This involves the following steps: Construction of Items, Validation of Test, Test Administration, Analysis of Results, and Generation of Report.

Traditionally, this process involves a considerable time, effort, and resources.  Several qualified psychologists need to work hundreds of person hours in order make this effective.  We propose to adopt technological advancement whereby majority of these tests are constructed in the form of computer software.  The advantages are varied: reductions in time for test administration, analysis, and reporting; decrease in expenses; less dependency on qualified personnel; ease in administration; objectivity in analysis; and uniformity in reporting.

The proposed software is a multimedia based interactive module that poses simulated situations where the candidate has to make choice by clicking one of the alternatives.  Very few questionnaires and inventories are present, which reduces errors in testing.  The software not only measures a candidate but also immediately analyses data and generates report.  It also ensures security of information and decreases paper work.


We propose to complete this project in three stages.

Stage 1: Software Development.  Suitable items measuring the areas mentioned above are generated and chosen according their reliability.  Except for three areas – manual, finger, and tweezer dexterity, which shall be measured using apparatuses – all others are included in the software for testing.  A team of qualified psychologists, software engineers, and multimedia experts will be engaged in the production of the software.

Stage 2: Test Validation.  Establishment of Norms is a very important aspect of test validation.  The generated items are tested on about 30 highly productive workers of the company and the results are statistically analyzed.  The norms thus established provide benchmark for selection and form the basis for interpretation of data.

Stage 3: Installation and Training.  In the final stage the testing materials and the software are installed in a Testing Room and the persons in charge of the administration of the test will be trained.

The cost includes research, software development, consultant’s fee, apparatuses and materials, installation, training, conveyance, and other incidental expenses.  An additional 30% of the total cost will be charged if the client requires the project to be completed within one month.  Computer and other infrastructure are to be provided by the company.  Maintenance of the apparatuses and software shall be done by SCAPE at no extra charge for one year from the date of installation.  Subsequently, 20% of the total cost shall be charged per year for maintenance and upgrading.  Fifty percent of the proposed cost shall be paid initially and the balance shall be paid after installation and training.

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What do executives aim?

q       To excel in their jobs

q       To obtain status and recognition

q       To move up on the ladder faster and that is lucrative

q       To emigrate to foreign countries


What do they do?

They spend an average of almost 12 hours a day towards job related activities.


What do they miss?

The benefits they accrue do not measure up to their investment of time and energy. In addition, they lose out on being unable to spend meaningful time with friends and family. Their desires, thoughts, feelings, perception, imagination, and creativity are hoarded within themselves with little opportunity to be expressed in an organizational environment.

What do we see?

Consequently, they develop symptoms and problems that go unrecognized and untreated.


What is the solution?

It is here that the concept of Executive Quotient becomes relevant.  The professional achievement of the executives depends mainly on their job involvement. A high score on Executive Quotient indicates that the executive is capable of doing well not only in the profession but also in other spheres of life.


How is XQ relevant?

An awareness and development of one's professional involvement would go a long way in the identification of tasks and higher goal setting behavior.

This in turn results in a stress-free life.

Competitiveness is the order of the day.  The fit can only survive.

Executive Quotient is a novel concept.  An executive should have several special skills that are not shared by others who engage in non-executive functions.  However, such skills are only taken for granted but never tested systematically in an organizational environment.  Knowledge, per se, abounds in an individual.  How much of this knowledge is used in a given situation is rarely known.


Executive Quotient is a Diagnostic Program that takes into consideration the Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills, and Efficiency (K A S E) of each individual in the organization.  It is the overall capacity of an individual to summon and apply KASE in an organizational situation and the willingness to overcome personal and professional handicaps.


Neuropsychological research has revealed that there are specific areas of the brain that engage in executive functions.  Though these functions are mainly tested in the clinical population the abundant knowledge provides a springboard for understanding and analyzing the extent to which these functions operate in normal individuals.  A systematic assessment and a practically oriented feedback put a meaningful impetus for the awareness and guidance of the executive.


SCAPE has been conducting the Supra Self-Awareness Program and offering Supra Human Potential Utilization Service for the last three years.  Hundreds of executives from a variety of industries have benefited from the programs.  Human relations, communication, goal-oriented behavior, etc., have improved to account for an increase in productivity.  Executive Quotient is based on and is derived from the studies, expertise, and success of these programs.


ü      Helps in identifying Training Needs

ü      Improves Occupational Adjustment

ü      Increases Job Satisfaction

ü      Optimizes Proficiency

ü      Develops Human Relations

ü      Eases Communication Process

ü      Brings Homogeneity

ü      Maximizes Productivity


Professional achievement is a product of several specific cognitive functions. As executives spend most of their waking life in job related activities there is little scope for a holistic development in them. The complexity of the organizational structure demands that professionals do well in all spheres of life rather than merely in making a living. However, the pressure from all sides to excel in their jobs is unavoidable. Hence, it is essential to help the executives to cope up with the demands of the job with little time and effort invested and optimum benefits obtained. This can be achieved through identifying specific soft skills and learn them.  It also enables the executive with a lot of leisure and extra energy to pursue other interests and hobbies.

The objective of Supra Executive Quotient is to provide an awareness and insight to executives and the organization about the skills that are necessary to improve efficiency and as a whole show increment in productivity.


An organization has a group of executives who collectively contribute to its productivity and welfare.  When each executive, in his or her individual capacity, is curtailed by day-to-day personal and professional problems the rate of efficiency comes down.


Problems are rarely tackled but postponed.  This is primarily because one has a tendency to blame events outside oneself though one is capable of making adjustments and changes.  The major cause for such projection is the discrepancy between the imagined potentials and the real potentials.

Text Box:  The objective of Executive Quotient is to bridge the gap between the imagined and real potentials so that the executive is able to obtain an insight and work on using more of the real potentials.  This has a collective influence on the whole organization.

For instance, let us say that the total ideal potential of an organization is 100.  The real potential ranges from 60 to 80 whereas the used potential is found to be between 20 and 40.  Executive Quotient helps each individual to improve the rate of efficiency whereby the used potential is increased.  Consequently there is an appreciable increment in productivity.

 Executive Quotient has been designed with the intention of developing the executive's proficiency.  It is a pioneer approach to enable both the executives and the organization to complement each other rather than working at cross-purposes.  Once they understand the executive's capability, it would be easier for them to plan and monitor the professional development.


Executive Quotient consists of FOUR major modules.


A.      Modules                                                  Description

Measures the real potential as against the ideal potential.  The tests are not traditional questionnaires and inventories.  They are situational problems that evoke the needed competencies in the executive.  During the test a Productivity Meter provides the corresponding increase in the percentage of an executive’s capability when applied to the organizational requirements. 

This module helps in checking out the extent to which the executive is efficient in the organization.  The imagined potential is elicited from each executive through Self-rating on 21 dimensions that are essential to carry out executive functions.  Three other individuals rate each executive on the same dimensions and this information is Crosschecked with the real and the imagined potential of the executive.  Opportunities are provided to the executive to make amends to the imagined potential.  This is followed by a comprehensive Feedback to nurture the capabilities, develop the potentials, and overcome hurdles.

Executive Quotient creates a complete Individual Profile of each executive so that the strengths and weaknesses are identified.   After the given number of executives have been tested and rated a Company Profile is drawn identifying the real potential and the used potential of the organization.

An overview of the executive’s performance is tabulated so that each individual executive can be guided in terms of dimensions and potentials.  Monitoring this module helps in Combining the organization’s resources towards increased productivity.





Abstract Reasoning

Frustration Tolerance

Goal Formulation

Divergent Thinking

Time Consciousness


Logical Reasoning

Locus of Control



Need for Achievement



Seeking Responsibility





Willingness to Learn



Individual Profile

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The working environment of an individual is more complex and demanding and is not comparable to a traditional one.  Hence, each person is in a greater flex for learning and improvement.  The importance provided to quality and efficiency has transformed a passive individual to an active seeker of knowledge and skill.  However, the existing resources are inadequate to cater to the growing needs.  All individuals require a routine update of adjustment mechanisms that can bring about optimal productivity with fewer inputs.



Ensure personal and professional competency among employees of THE COMPANY.



No one comes to work on a given day with a clean mental slate.  An array of emotions, perceptions, and thoughts entwine to result in a state of free-floating anxiety.  For instance, when there is a group of eight people working as a team, each one of them starts the day in his or her own unique manner.  One of them might have had a quarrel with the family in the morning.  Another might have lost some money in the stock exchange.  The third might be unwell.  The fourth person might have had an offer to join another company.  The list is endless.  However, we expect all of them to put off their worries and problems out of their minds and start working as a team.  Are they able to do so?  In their interaction on the same day, they pick up more frictions and their stresses get accumulated.  No doubt they carry this accumulated stress back home that boomerangs in precipitating the already pent up tension.

Traditional work systems do not have a means for venting out frustrations, conflicts, and pressures.  Training programs from outside agencies can only highlight the problems but are not able to deal with them effectively.  A systematically managed professional approach can help these people to restore their energy and bounce back with vigor to work efficiently.



a)      Identifying the cause of the problem

b)      Suggesting remedies to the problem

c)      Helping the person to change the existing attitudes

d)      Developing skill sets necessary to prevent the problem and

e)      Maintaining a follow-up schedule

The HR manager will keep track of the development in the person and maintain a continuous update of the improvement in work efficiency.



Due to the complexity of the nature and variety of problems several modules have been instituted to help people. 

1.      Attitude Change

2.      Relaxation

3.      Stress Reduction

4.      Speed Reading

5.      Concentration

6.      Attention and Vigilance

7.      Perceptual Acuity

8.      Memory Clinic

9.      Human Relations

10.  Motivation

11.  Emotional Intelligence

12.  Team Building

13.  Time Management

14.  Locus of Control

15.  Executive Functions

16.  Creativity

17.  Personality Development

18.  Cortical and Sub Cortical Regulation

19.  Sleep Therapy

20.  Common Personal Problems

21.  Behavior Disorders

22.  Psychosomatic Disorders

23.  Psychopathology



1.      Professional Counseling and Guidance

2.      Psychotherapy

3.      Training and Development

4.      Questionnaires, Inventories, and Projective Tests

5.      Neuropsychological Assessment

6.      Progressive Muscular Relaxation

7.      Self-hypnosis

8.      Meditation

9.      Alpha Simulated Relaxation

10.  Programmed Learning

11.  Guilt Analysis



Following is the list of problems that could be identified and rectified.

1.      Stress at work

2.      Inefficient human relations

3.      Unrealistic levels of aspiration

4.      Psychological problems

5.      Behavioral problems

6.      Burnout

7.      Lack of emotional intelligence

8.      Lack of motivation


In addition, over a hundred problems that are common to all adults can also be solved through group counseling.



The host company shall provide a room with facilities for training groups of employees.  Overhead Projector is necessary though Computer (multimedia based) with LCD projector would be preferable.



1.      Reduction in employee turnover

2.      Increase in work efficiency

3.      Better time management

4.      Cohesive team work

5.      Self-regulatory behavior

6.      Effective communication

7.      Improved interpersonal relationships

8.      Decrease in absenteeism


In general, the aim is to bring about a state of well being among the employees and consequently increase efficiency.  Such efficiency is devoid of stress and ensures quality of personal and professional life.

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