  HomePort S.S. Neptune which was
              first Captained by Hon. Edward White
Journal of Walter E. White  
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May 1904

May 1, 1904  Sunday - Wind NE & cold with snow showers.  Visited Poor House in the morning.  Will Whiteway was leader - Mr. Smith from Alexander Street (Methodist Church) Visitor.  After service in the night held cottage meeting at Mrs. Pike's -  Dunford St. Post Office caught fire this morning.

May 2, 1904  Wind NE Cold with snow showers - Froze very hard last night (stone garden) wall at back of house fell down yesterday afternoon.  S.S. Eagle arrived this afternoon from ice with 4000 old & 300 young seals.  Shops opened tonight busy season having come round once more.

May 3, 1904  S.S. Diana the last sealers out arrived today.

May 4, 1904  Fine day - S.S. Prospero sailed with freight for north this morning - Vegetable Marrow seeds just coming above ground in hotbed.

May 8, 1904   Sunday - During the last few days it has been very cold with wind N.E. set Tomato seed yesterday.

May 13, 1904  Fine & warm the last two or three days - Busy all day in shops - Place blocked with new goods - The six Pineapple Flavoured Strawberry plants arrived this week. Plants arrived this week from Green's but in a very bad condition.

May 15, 1904 - Sunday -- Very fine day - Went to Poor Asylum in the morning being the only (Epworth) League member present but had very good service - In Sunday school Decision Day was observed.   After church visited Miss Pike's house she being very sick in bed.

May 17, 1904  Mild with rain showery S.S. Aurora arrived this morning from Labrador bringing body of Leonidas Hubbard (the American writer)

May 18, 1904  Wind NE Cold - Large steamer S.S. Hiberian [possibly S.S. Hibernia] ran ashore today near Codroy.

May 22, 1904 - Sunday Wind NE but fine day- after Sunday school went to farm - Everything looked fine

May 24, 1904  Empire day (Victoria Day) splendid day very warm - very busy in shop many northern men being in town at present.

May 29, 1904  Sunday - Fine day with strong wind westerly.  After church visited Miss Manuel & Miss Pike the latter being very sick. After went for walk in Mundy's Pond Rd.  Received yesterday from Green's 50 Pineapple Strawberry (plants).

June 1904
Journal Index

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