 HomePort S.S. Neptune which was
              first Captained by Hon. Edward White
Journal of Walter E. White 
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April 1904

April 1, 1904 Fine day but cold - Went to church in the morning  (Good Friday)  In the afternoon went down South Side as far as Battery.  S.S. Grand Lake arrived from seal fishery this morning . Went to church in night and after church went sliding on Palks Hill.

April 3, 1904 easter Sunday - Fine day - Methodist Guards' [Brigade] at George Street [Methodist Church]  this morning.  Went to Alexander St. Church in the night - Mr.[Rev. Charles] Lench  preached sermon on "The Model Young Man".

 April 4, 1904 Annual Meeting of Epworth League was held tonight in basement tonight, about 50 being present.  Was elected Treasure[r] but resigned.

 April 5, 1904 Went to Missionary Meeting in George Street [Methodist Church] in the night.  After which went to Centenary Hall where a social gathering was held among teachers and friends of school.

 April 6, 1904  Annual Meeting of [Methodist College Literary] Institute held.

 April 7, 1904  Day off - Fine but cool - Chopping snow out of hot bed and fooling around.

 April 8, 1904  Wind S with snow.

 April 10, 1904  Sunday - Raining & mild.  Anniversary services of Sunday School - All the children assembled in the church -  [Rev.] Dr. [Levi] Curtis  preached in the morning & Mr.[Rev. W.T.D.] Dunn in the evening.

  April 11, 1904  Very mild, snow going rapidly - Consecration Service of (Epworth) League held tonight - which was addressed by Rev. Mr. (W.T.D.) Dunn - also solo by Mrs. Halfyord & Mr. T Courteney.

 April 12, 1904  Splendid day, fine & mild - Day off. Busy aoo day putting up hotbed, also set celery seed in the afternoon.  went down to S.O.E. (Sons of England Benefit Society) in the night paid 90c two months dues.  After meeting went up to Centenary Hall.

 April 13, 1904  Fine & mild - Concert by (St. John's) Choral (and Orchestral) Society in (Methodist) College Hall tonight.

 April 14, 1904  Mild with rain showers.  Annual Meeting of Sunday School held tonight in George Street (Methodist Church) where reports from officers & election of officers too place,  meeting adjourned at 10:45.  At close of meeting tea & cake was handed round.

 April 16, 1904  Commenced to snow in the afternoon then turned to rain.

 April 17, 1904  Sunday - Fine day - After Sunday School went for walk to farm all snow nearly gone - Strawberries all uncovered & looking well.

 April 18, 1904  Fine day.  Went to [Epworth] League in the night topic "Leading and Following".  About 8:45 left & went to [Methodist] College Hall with Will Pike to hear "The Holy City".  Bought cheap suit of clothes in dry goods [as he worked in same store likely indicating the dry goods department of Bowring Bros. Store] $3.72.

 April 19, 1904  Day off - Fixing galley [either galley on his father's ship or gallery - being entry area or porch of a house] with father.  Very wet all the afternoon & night. Set cabbage seed in the hotbed.

 April 21, 1904  Set cucumber & vegetable marrow seed this evening.

 April 22, 1904  Very busy the last few days - S.S. Mary Hough left this morning with load of freight - Bon fires & procession tonight - French Shore question settled.

 April 24, 1904  Sunday - Very fine in the morning but cold NE wind with fog in evening.  installation of officers of Sunday School took place in George Street Methodist [Church] tonight - After service went to Miss Manuels & had cottage prayer meeting.   S.S. "Viking" arrived this evening from ice 5,000 seals.  Mother sick in bed all day and yesterday bad cold.  During the past week the weather has been fine and warm.  Cabbage seed in hot bed just peeping above ground.

 April 25, 1904  Set Sweet Pea seed today - Topic at [Epworth] League tonight was of literary nature - "If Christ Came to St John's".  Mr. Courtenay spoke on "Government".  Miss J. Knight on "Temperance",  Mr. Whiteway on "Our League" & "Municipal Council" - [William] Will White. [ a relative of Walter White]

 April 26, 1904  Wind SW with fog.  Mr. R.L. Mare committed suicide today by shooting himself.  Went to meeting of S.O.E. [Sons of England Benefit Society] in the night.

 April 27, 1904  Wind NE & cold. freezing at night -  [S.S.] Kite arrived from ice this morning about 800 seals.  House to House Visiting Committee met tonight Buchanan Street School room to arrange for meetings.  Big time on tonight in Temperance Hall.

 April 28, 1904  Fine day - House of Assembly closed this afternoon.

 April 29, 1904  Fine day - Adjourned meeting of Sunday School Committee was held tonight in #3 class room.

 April 30, 1904  Very warm & dull all day.  150 Gooseberry trees arrived from Cardou & Darling.  The S.S. Prospero arrived this morning to Bowring Bros. to temperally [temporally] take up Costal Service.

May 1904
Journal Index

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