  HomePort S.S. Neptune which was
              first Captained by Hon. Edward White
Journal of Walter E. White  
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March 1904
March 1, 1904 Fine day & mild - commenced cropping sealers today - Went with (William) Pike & got men to go to church - After went sliding on B-ckm--- Field -

March 2, 1904  Splendid day - Topic at (Methodist College Literary) Institute tonight "Governor's Speech".

March 3, 1904  Fair & mild - (S.S.) Viking sailed for the Gulf this morning - went out shooting to Freshwater Bay this afternoon but found the birds were scarce.

March 5, 1904  Wind NE & cold. received boots from Larsen Co. today - Paid $1.00 at Post Office.

March 6, 1904  Sunday Wind NE & cold - special services preached morning & evenng to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Bible Society.

March 7, 1904  Wind NE - Ice in closer to land - very good scating above bridge - This morning between 7:45 & 8:15 three ---- were visible in the narrows.

March 10, 1904  Wind NE - went to S.O.E. (Sons of England Benefit Society)  tonight 12 members admitted.

March 11, 1904  Fine day & mild - Sealers left this morning for ice.  (S.S.) Eagle being the last leaving from St. John's.  In the night men gave return party to ladies who gave party a few weeks ago - got home about 1.

March 12, 1904  Went to church in night and although last night of special services not many were present.

March 13, 1904  Snowing during the day with rain at night. (Will)  Pike left on Thursday for Harbour Grace where he intends to spend a few weeks.

March 14, 1904  Sunday another week commenced - Day very fine & mild - Water running everywhere.

March 15, 1904  Went to (Epworth) League social at Gower Street (Methodist Church).

March 16, 1904  Splendid day - Not working, went to Freshwater Bay shooting but did not get anything.

March 17, 1904  St. Patrick's Day - snow showers all day - Went for walk to farm in the morning with father.  everyihing covered with snow -  Went down to Steers who had set today in hot bed celery seed.

March 18, 1904  Fine day - Strike at Placentia the past few days, nearly all police left town last night for that place, special police parading the town in their place.  Stayed to teachers meeting after church tonight.

March 19, 1904  Very stormy snowing all day turning to rain at night.  Message received tonight by Bowrings Bros. saying 6 steamers 20 miles NE of Fogo steaming north.

March 20, 1904  Sunday - fine day commenced to snow hard in the night.

March 22, 1904  Fine day but cold went for walk in the afternoon everything covered with snow, same as January.  Went over to Wilf Doves after tea.

March 23, 1904  Cold with snow in evening.  Last night very cold only 4 above zero.  Topic at (Methodist College Literary) Institute tonight was "Which Exercises a Greater Influence on the The Civilization and Happiness of the Human Race the Male or Female Mind".  It was almost unanimously decided the female mind exercises the greater influence.

March 24, 1904  Half Holiday - went to meeting of Bible Society in (Methodist) College Hall  which closed at 10:00 PM - Meeting was spoiled by Mr Davis address which occupied about 3/4 of time.

March 25, 1904  Fine day -  Wind S in night - father took out lisence today for mineral  (exploration ?) on Labrador.  Missionary prayer meeting held tonight in basement of church where Miss Dove, Mr. Withycombe, & Miss Percy addressed meeting.

March 26, 1904  Mild with rain - Memorial Service in George Street ( Methodist Church) for Mr. Pratt (Rev. John Pratt died March 15, 1904).  At 7 o'clock this evening (S.S.) Aurora arrived from ice with 34,000 seals.  strike at Placentia settled today.

March 27, 1904  Sunday - Fine snow melting rapidly - Went down to (S.S.) Aurora after Sunday School - Rev. Bandy preached tonight.

March 28, 1904  Wind NE cols- Walrus arrived this morning with 15,000 seals.  No (Epworth) League service tonight in George Street (Methodist Church), so went to Alexander Street (Epworth League)  Rev. (Charles) Lench gave address on "Christianity's Links in the Chain of the Century".

March 29, 1904  Regular day off - Very stormy - Snow in morning rain in afternoon - (Epworth) League Missionary meeting tonight.  Recitation was given by Mrs. Lindsay - "Address on China" given by Mr. Penston & reading by Miss Knight [ possibly Edith Knight his future wife] & Solo by Courteray.  Collecion in aid of C. (China ?) Mission Fund $ 5.30.

March 30, 1904  Fine day - (S.S.) Greenland arrived at Harbour Grace this morning 20,000 seals - distribution of prizes tonight in Centenary Hall very large crowd present.
At the (Methodist College Literary) Institute the topic was "Is the Institute Fulfilling its Object?"

March 31, 1904  Fine & mild during the day but in the night it commenced to snow after wind went NE.  Went sliding on Palk's Hill with Jenine, Florrie, Ern, Will Pike, W. Maidman, Ev McDougall & Nellie Scott - Had bob slide (sled) but would not run as it was too soft so we had to take turns on a cat which would only hold four - Very good time.
April 1904
Journal Index

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