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( Established 1991 - Canadian Coast Guard Approved - CAA & AAA Approved )


As the president of Island Coast Boat Tours Inc. I welcome you to our WebSite. My husband Dana and I formed the company in 1991 and shortly thereafter Island Coast Boat Tours received the distinction of being "CAA" and "AAA" approved.

We specialize in whale watching on a seasonal basis during the months of July, August and September. These months have proven to be the prime whale watching months in the Bay of Fundy due to whale migration patterns.

Our excursions take us to an area of the Bay of Fundy which has earned the reputation of having "More Whales More Often Then Anywhere Else". Island Coast Boat Tours was the first company in the area to offer "guaranteed whale sightings or money refunded" and since 1991 we have a sightings success of 99.8%. (We have refunded money on only 2 excursions since 1991).

Excursions are approximately 4 to 5 hours in duration and are suitable for all ages, young and old alike who have a desire to see natures at it's best! All tours are narrated personally with the aid of a public address system by Dana who is the captain of our tour boat. With a maximum of 25 passengers per tour everyone on board can receive personal attention and do not walk away feeling that they are "just another number". Since 1991 we have accommodated visitors from all over the globe and now approximately 50% of our clientele are return or referred customers. As the old saying goes, "Word of mouth is your best form of advertising".

In addition to whale watching we offer pelagic birding, (opportunity to view seabirds), on our excursions. Whether you are an avid birder or not, seeing a colorful Atlantic Puffin swim by or fly overhead with lunch hanging from it's brightly marked bill can be quite thrilling.

Island Coast Boat Tours also offers Coastal Sightseeing Tour when adverse weather such as dense fog or strong winds prohibits scheduled whale watching tours from being offered. Pelagic birding, rugged coastline and natural history is the backbone of these tours. Whale sightings are not guaranteed on the coastal tours due to the fact that this is not the main feeding ground for the large mammals - but they are an added bonus!

Dana and I have always had the philosophy that with hard work and 100% dedication to customer service success was attainable. As a result of all our efforts Island Coast Boat Tours is the recipient of New Brunswick's prestigeous "Savvy Traveller Award". We are proud to have received this award which is given to companies who possess superior quality and professionalism on every level.

On behalf of Dana and myself I hope you will decide to come on a whale watch excursion with us. I assure you that without a doubt your time with us will not only be exciting but educational as well. When you disembark our tour boat (MV "Against the Wind") you will walk away with something special, a warm glow in your hearts. This is the feeling you get after seeing some of the world's largest and also most endangered mammals on the planet - in their natural habitat. You will have memories to cherish for a lifetime!!

Patricia L. Russell

Do you have any questions?

Island Coast Boat Tours Inc.
199 Cedar St.
Grand Manan, N.B., Canada
Tel: (506) 662-8181
Fax: (506) 662-9904
Toll-free: 1-877-662-9393

C.A.A. Logo Savvy Traveller Logo A.A.A. Logo: width=

Birdwatching | Captain & Crew | General Info. | Grand Manan | History
Main Page | Photo Gallery | Prices & Dates | MV "Against the Wind" | Whale Conservation Fund
Whale Watching Ethics | Whale Facts | Whale Watching Tours | Letters & Accolades
On-Line Reservation/Information Form

This page designed by - Miramichi NB Canada - 506-773-7963

Revised Dec 27 1999