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Timberline Giant Alaskan Malamutes
'Home Of The Gentle Giants'
More On How We Raise Puppies

Here at Timberline each puppy is spoiled from birth, we believe in consistent handling of our puppies from birth. We also take the time to bottle feed them at least 2 or 3 times a day. This is done to help out mom, but also because we have found from experience that bottle feeding a puppy strengthens their bond with humans. The boys being helping with this once the puppies are 2 1\2 weeks old

We believe a puppies social development depends on how he/she is raised. If a puppy never sees the inside of a home how can he\she become a house pet for the family buying them? Therefore, we cant stress enough how important we feel it is for a breeder to raise his\her puppies in the home.

Should it be decided between us and you that one of our puppies would be a good addition to your family, we will be there for you throughout the animals life to advise on care and training. When your new puppy goes home we also provide an extensive information packet. In addition, if at any time throughout the animals life it is not possible for him\her to continue to be a part of your family, we will either take him\her back or help you in locating a suitable home.Puppies will not be allowed to leave our home until they are 9 to 12 weeks of age depending on the particular puppy and whether or not we feel he\she is ready to leave.

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~Timberline Puppies~ ~Timberline Puppies II~

~More Photos Of Timberline Puppies ~

~Memories of Stormy~ ~Is The Alaskan Malamute the Right Choice For You~

~Choosing A Breeder~

These pages are dedicated to Stormy,
Whose faithfulness, gentle spirit, and love
will remain alive in my heart forever

No part of this page may be copied or re-used without expressed written permission of the author.