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Discover Magazine: May, 1987


Master Index: Table of Contents



"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." ...

What I am going to suggest to you in this Special Report is more than simply 'a genuine improvement in electrical technology,' but rather a significant paradigm shift which may challenge some of the fundamental beliefs held today in electrical theory. While I don't know you personally, I am hoping that you, the reader, possess the gift of intellectual honesty, i.e., a willingness to look at the facts regardless of one's predispositions and/or prejudices.

My personal background is history and science, and I have devoted the past twenty years to studying the history of physics -- especially with regard to invention and the great difficulties major innovators have had in presenting their achievements to society. In many instances the history of physics (science) has taught me that "the greater the innovation -- the greater the resistance." This is very unfortunate for the progress of humanity.

am hoping that the independence of your thinking will give you the freedom to view a new technology, a new paradigm -- with the open-mindedness and intellectual honesty of Planck's 'new generation.'

Allow me to present to you a sterling example of "intellectual dishonesty": this brief story involves a young upstart thinker by the name of Galileo Galilei and a most distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Padua University by the name of Cesare Cremonini. One may ask today, "Who is Cesare Cremonini?" Yet four hundred years ago, Cremonini was the well-known and famous professor and Galileo Galilei was a virtually unknown original thinker.

Once upon a time (so the story goes), this young thinker Galileo claimed to have discovered "mountains on the moon" by virtue of the utilization of a new tool called the telescope. Naively believing that other thinkers and professors would welcome this discovery, Galileo invited professor Cremonini to view these moon mountains for himself through the telescope.

Cremonini chided Galileo for his insanity since, as everyone knows, "the moon cannot contain protuberances or blemishes since Aristotle has said that the moon is a perfect sphere." Galileo replied, "I don't care what Aristotle said, simply come look through my telescope and see for yourself." "No, Galileo, my young friend," responded Cremonini, "I KNOW that there are no mountains on the moon." Professor Cremonini then opened the book of Aristotle to the appropriate page and 'proved' that Galileo could not possibly be correct.

But Galileo was insistent. "If you just look through the telescope you will see that Aristotle was incorrect," he said to Cremonini. Then Professor Cremonini responded by saying, "No Galileo, I will NOT look through that confounded tube of yours. But IF I did look and if I DID see mountains on the moon, then I would know that you have simply enchanted me." This, dear reader, is intellectual dishonesty.


I am asking you in this Special Report to be willing to "look through the tube." And the "tube" here represents a new understanding of electromagnetism.

You may ask, "How could this be so?" One may maintain that in a post-Faraday electrical society, everything that can be known about electromagnetism is known. In response to this position, I ask that you consider the quotation of Charles H. Duell, Director of the Patent Office in 1899: Everything that can be invented has been invented."
But before I present an introduction to the new technology in question, permit me to introduce its inventor -- Joseph W. Newman. [In my study of the history of science, I have discovered a passion for biography, i.e., by knowing something of the inventor one acquires a much greater depth, richness and appreciation for the significance of the innovation. In addition, biographies allow the reader to learn something of the personal struggles of the great thinkers and inventors of history.]

Who is Joseph Newman? He is an original thinker who has educated himself over the past forty years in physics, chemistry, astronomy and many other areas which have intrigued him. The focus of his life has become his work in electromagnetics which he began developing over thirty years ago. And he is not a starry-eyed theoretician. Since he has made his living by inventing, he has discovered a need to remain grounded in reality, in practical applications of his concepts.

Below are quotations are from scientists who have endorsed Joseph Newman's work:

If you have a Real Audio Player you can listen to this sound clip of Dr. Roger Hastings by clicking on the Real Audio Logo. Excerpt is from the Newman Audio/Video archives.

You can download the Real Audio Player FREE! from here as well as find out the system requirements etc...

"The future of the human race may be dramatically uplifted by the large-scale, commercial development of this invention." --- Dr. Roger Hastings, Principal Physicist, UNISYS CORPORATION [RealAudio clip above]
"If the manner in which Joseph Newman conducted his experiments and the results were made known to the industrial or engineering community then, in my opinion, several companies and/or individuals possess the expertise and capabilities to construct the hardware required to fully exploit the apparent capability of his new concepts." --- Dr. Robert E. Smith Chief, Orbital and Space Environment Branch, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA
"You have opened an area in Astrophysics which may revolutionize the magnetic energy problems which is now the most paramount problem in future energy and space travel. I do believe with proper research funds, the results would not only be a great financial boom to your financiers, but would lead to developments that will be practical and beneficial to all mankind and develop a new step in science." --- Dr. E. L. Moragne, MORAGNE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CO. [Dr. Moragne was an electromagnetic pioneer in the development of the first atomic bomb.]
click on the RealAudio logo to hear a CNN News report with Joseph Newman. Excerpt is from the Newman Audio/Video archives. Better than 30 physicists, nuclear engineers, electrical engineers and electrical technicians have signed Affidavits attesting to the validity of his invention: an electromagnetic motor/generator that could supply every American's home, farm, business, automobile and appliance with electrical power at a fraction of the present cost.

But before I discuss the invention itself, permit me to digress a moment about magnetism. Over the years I have posed this questions to professors of electrical engineering: "What is the mechanical essence of magnetism?" The standard reply is vague at best, but includes such answers as, "It consists of lines of force and action at a distance; potential energy."

The fifth edition of the Modern Dictionary of Electronics by Rudolf F. Graf [published by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana] defines magnetism as:
"A property possessed by certain materials by which these materials can exert mechanical force on neighboring masses of magnetic materials and can cause voltages to be inducted in conducting bodies moving relative to the magnetized bodies."
And, lines of force are defined as:
"In an electric or magnetic field, an imaginary line in the same direction as the field intensity at each point. Sometimes called a maxwell when used as a unit of magnetic flux."

These definitions seem superficially fine, but fail to specifically address the real question: "What is the mechanical essence of magnetism?" "Of what do these 'imaginary lines of force' consist?" "What is the real nature of mechanical force -- what physically causes such action at the most fundamental level?"

These questions perplexed *Michael Faraday, who said: "How few understand the physical (emphasis added) lines of force! They will not see them, yet all the researches on the subject tend to confirm the views I put forth many years since. Thompson of Glasgow seems almost the only one who acknowledges them. He is perhaps the nearest to understanding what I meant. I am content to wait convinced as I am of the truth of my views."
*[Although he had only a 7th grade, formal education, Faraday was a mechanical genius.]

I must postulate that if Faraday were alive today he would claim that because of the manner in which electric motors are constructed today -- utilizing high current and low voltage -- we have yet to discover the true nature of electromagnetism.

Joseph Newman unequivocally states that all electrical motors built to date are constructed with built-in INefficiencies since they should be operating with LOW current and HIGH voltage. [But I am jumping ahead of myself at this point.]

Back to Faraday . . . One man truly understood Faraday's mechanical genius and was capable of translating his mechanical work into mathematics: James Clerk Maxwell -- a towering genius and innovator in science. Maxwell specifically wrote the following:

"The theory I propose may . . . be called a theory of the Electromagnetic Field because it has to do with the space in the neighborhood of the electric or magnetic bodies, and it may be called a Dynamical Theory, because it assumes that in that space there is matter in motion, by which the observed electromagnetic phenomena are produced." (Emphasis added.)

Maxwell even went on to add:
"In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be understood literally. All energy is the same as mechanical energy, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other form. The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is mechanical energy." (Emphasis added.)

Matter in motion. Back in the early 1960's Joseph Newman wondered what was the mechanical essence, the nature, of this "matter in motion." In Chapter Two of his book -- THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN -- Joseph Newman describes the fundamental essence of a magnetic field as a particle having a "gyroscopic spin."

When one understands the gyroscopic characteristics of the matter in motion contained within an electromagnetic field, then one begins to recognize a better mechanical means of harnessing this kinetic energy. To generate the largest possible magnetic field within a copper coil and therefore to have access to greater numbers of "matter in motion" -- (for purposes of simplicity of understanding, Joseph Newman refers to this matter in motion as gyroscopic particles) -- one must input large amounts of voltage to achieve maximum atom alignment in the copper coil. When this high voltage input occurs, the copper coil atoms release their kinetic energy in the form of a magnetic field.

Joseph Newman has discovered a highly efficient means to harness this magnetic energy emanating from the copper coil. And Joseph Newman takes this a step farther by stating that these gyroscopic particles represent the mechanical essence of Einstein's equation of E=mc2. He states that these gyroscopic particles spin at the speed of light and move in a given direction (lines of force) at the speed of light, and are thus the mechanical equivalent of E=mc2.

Nearly twelve years ago, it took me about three weeks to really understand Joseph Newman's mechanical explanation of magnetism. I repeatedly studied the diagrams until I grasped what he was trying to say. As a result of understanding his explanation of magnetism I observed a simple magnetic phenomena which was elegantly explained by Joseph Newman's mechanical work in magnetism (see Chapter Three of his book).

The following two quotations are also featured in Section II of this Website and are worth repeating.
I submit the following quotation from Ken Arno, Research Director at G.E.R.D., Co.:
"I can speak with a 'personal knowledge' and 'hands-on-experience' when I talk about the collapsing magnetic field phenomena in a coil. We here at G.E.R.D. Co. and everyone else who makes use of electrical circuits have always considered the collapsing field effect to be a nuisance because, when using a mechanical relay coil in an electronic circuit, it would cause a current to be pumped back into our circuit, creating havoc.

"One solution to the problem of C.E.M.F. was to install a diode across the coil leads and when the power was removed, the C.E.M.F. caused a current to flow which passed through the diode and to be dissipated as heat in the coil itself and not in our circuit.

"The fact that this effect has for over one hundred years been viewed as a problem to be designed out of electrical systems is the reason no one until you, Joseph Newman, had seriously considered it as a source of abundant free energy. Everyone knew it was there, but no one recognized its potential."

I submit the following from a Letter to the Editor of the Mobile Press Register:
"Never having met, talked with, nor had financial dealings with Joseph Newman, I read his book, The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman. After 30 years in the electrical profession I felt eminently qualified to debunk his claim to a device that generated more energy than it consumes. In the second chapter, I sat up in bed and shouted, 'He's got it!'" -- P. McLain, Mobile, Alabama

I don't wish to dampen Mr. McLain's enthusiasm for this technology and, although his comments are well-intentioned, Mr. McLain is laboring under the superficial conclusion that Joseph Newman's motor "generates more energy than it consumes."
This is simply not the case. In fact, the motor does generate GREATER EXTERNAL ENERGY OUTPUT THAN EXTERNAL ENERGY INPUT. This technology does not violate the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy. On the contrary -- this technology further corroborates the Laws of Thermodynamics, i.e., the only way one will achieve the internal production of energy within the system is by supplying the system with high voltage (and low current) to align the copper atoms in the coil.

Joseph Newman supplies an external electrical stimulus to his coil (and special commutator system) that generates the magnetic field containing the gyroscopic particles (matter in motion). This external electrical stimulus takes the form of high voltage -- and the higher the better until maximum atom alignment of the coil is achieved. At the same time the current is kept as low as possible to minimize resistance; thereby the Newman motor always runs "cool."

The externally applied high voltage is not "consumed" by the system -- it operates in the same manner as the hydraulic system in an automobile. The reservoir of brake fluid is not "used up" but supplies a continual hydraulic pressure to the automobile's brake system. In a similar fashion the high input voltage (and low current) acts as an electrical 'hydraulic' pressure to continually realign the atoms within the motor's copper coil. The continual collapse and expansion of the copper coil's magnetic field creates the mechanical torque of the motor. (The special commutator system achieves this continual collapse and expansion of the magnetic field. See his book, THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN for complete details.)

The net increase of external electrical energy from the system directly comes from the energy produced internally within the copper coil. This net energy is greater than the small amount of current originally inputed into the system along with the high voltage. In the final analysis where is the excess energy coming from? Answer: from the atoms of the copper coil within the motor/generator.

Dr. Roger Hastings, a physicist who has worked extensively with Joseph Newman over a number of years, has calculated that this system is so conversion efficient that it may take decades (or far longer) to be able to measure any appreciable mass loss in the coil.

This brings me to a discussion of efficiency. If Joseph Newman's motor/generator system is viewed as a whole -- considering both external energy and internal energy -- then the TOTAL energy output for the system is equal to the TOTAL external and internal energy input combined.

Such a process is fully in accordance with the First Law of Thermodynamics! When the system is viewed as a whole, it is imprecise to say that the Newman motor/generator simply "produces more than it consumes." However, it is correct to say that "the external energy output is greater than the external energy input" -- an external energy input considered independently of the large internal energy produced by the Newman motor/generator.

In other words, the revolutionary nature of this system is the fact that Joseph Newman has discovered a new electromagnetic principle of nature and has innovated a technology capable of converting matter (copper coil) into energy (in accordance with E=mc2) via a highly efficient electromagnetic reaction rather than an inefficient fission reaction.

Those who state that "one can never build a device which exceeds 100% efficiency" do not understand the nature of the phenomenal efficiencies (in excess of 800%) produced by the Newman motor/generator.

Such a statement demonstrates an inability to distinguish between CONVERSION efficiency and PRODUCTION efficiency. To state that Joseph Newman's motor/generator is 8.2 production efficient, i.e., that it produces over eight times as much external energy output as external energy input, is different from stating that the invention approaches 100% conversion efficiency, i.e., that it converts the internal mass of the copper coil into energy in accordance with E=mc2. The former process involves production efficiency and the latter process involves conversion efficiency. These two different types of efficiencies should not be confused.

In his motor/generator system, the electromagnetic conversion (of matter to energy) efficiency approaches 100% [rather than the less than 1% conversion (of matter to energy) efficiency of a typical nuclear fission reaction.] The production efficiency of the Newman energy machine has been found to be in excess of 800%, i.e., over eight times as much external energy output as external energy input.

Consider the following crude analogy of a nuclear fission reactor to Joseph Newman's motor/generator: a typical nuclear reactor consists of a small amount of external electrical energy being inputed into the reactor station to turn on lights, activate control panels, start machinery, etc. The large external energy produced by the reactor, however, is the result of the nuclear fission process which internally occurs within the system.

As a result of such an internal fission process, external electrical energy is produced in the system. If, however, one ignores the internal energy and only considers the initial, small external energy input, then one could say that the net external electrical energy output produced by a nuclear reactor is greater than the external electrical energy input.

The important distinction, however, between a conventional nuclear reactor and Joseph Newman's motor/generator is that the former is less than 1% conversion efficient and the latter approaches 100% conversion efficiency.

Is this system "perpetual motion?" Certainly NOT! In addition to the occasional replacement of bearings and commutator, the copper coil will eventually be consumed to the point that the coil will lose its integrity. But because of the high conversion efficiency, Dr. Roger Hastings has estimated that one's children or grandchildren could still be utilizing the same motor/generator for energy production.

In essence, Joseph Newman has integrated the work of Faraday with that of Einstein and has created a motor technology that will bring us into the 21st century. One may say that "this is too good to be true." My response:

Is this -- our current electrical technology -- the BEST that we can do? Is there no expectation that we may achieve a deeper understanding of electromagnetism which will allow us to build fundamentally different (and more efficient) motors? Could one not conceive that such a revolutionary technology could be achieved in fifty years? One hundred years? One thousand years? Can anyone really believe that our traditional motor/electromagnetic technology is the technology that will be utilized five thousand years from now?

But why must we wait five thousand years? Why not in a hundred years? Why not in fifty years? Why not NOW?

You may say, "Well, why hasn't it been done before now?" My response: why did the Wright Brothers 'wait' until 1903 to invent the aeroplane? Things happen when they do, I suppose . . . often in spite of tremendous ignorance, apathy and hostility.

Christian Morgenstern summed it up quite well when he said: "The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply."

In its essence, Joseph Newman's technology is the model of simplicity.

Since 1979, Joseph Newman has spent over $1,500,000 in legal fees battling U. S. patent office bureaucrats in an effort to secure a patent for his revolutionary invention. He has now secured patent rights in several other countries!

The Wright Brothers had to battle Patent Office bureaucrats all the way to the Supreme Court to secure a patent for their invention since they were told that it was impossible for man to fly in a "heavier-than-air machine."
On Thursday, August 10, 1995, Joseph Newman demonstrated his newest production model of his motor/generator: from 8:00AM to 8:00PM -- and attached to a Grainger Reciprocating Pump -- the Newman Motor/Generator pumped 1 gallon of water per minute at 12 PSI at the Lucedale, Mississippi City Park. The voltage source was a local alternating current connection to the Newman Motor/Generator through a conventional house watt meter. When a conventional motor was operated on this system the house watt meter proceeded to turn, indicating that external electrical energy was being consumed.

During the entire 12 hours that the Newman Motor/Generator pumped water, the house watt meter did not move. Moreover, for the entire 12 hour period the Newman Motor/Generator ran cool. The news media, city officials and representatives of the local power station observed and corroborated these results.

This technology is ready to go forward into production.
This Special Report on the work of inventor Joseph Newman has been written by Evan R. Soulé, Jr., Author and Historian.
Mr. Soulé may be reached at (504) 524-3033

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Scottsdale, Arizona 85259
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