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FREEDOM ( Nehru) YEAR 1947:

15th August 1947 India got freedom. The first episode explores the concept of Freedom as envisaged by the freedom fighters for India, and how it is being practised by the present genertion. The disparity between the idealism of the past and the meaning of it today. This episode also brings into focus our main family, the Malhotras, who through their trials and tribulations, represent the common man. In this episode we ask people to define Common Man and tell us about Republic day and Independence day. We end the episode with a song based on Rabindra Natha poem "Where the Mind is without fear and the head is held high.



After Freedom we started to lay our foundation. We needed a Constitution and had to unite the fragmented India. The national pride of India being the single largest Democracy in the world, translated itself in the form of an exhaustive and ideal Constitution. The formation of India as a nation state, the making of the Constitution - the most detailed in the world, the questioning of the inherent strengths and weaknesses in it, and the efficacy of its practise in the actual governing of India, are some of the points highlighted. Gandhi's death and the resulting conflicting ideologies, the annexation of kingdoms of Kashmir, Junagad, Goa, Hyderabad etc, all helped in forming the core of India. We end this episode with a song by Jagjit Singh based on how the journey has been without these leaders.


MARCH FORWARD PLANNING ( Nehru) Year 1951...1961:

To run a nation we have to plan, to run a democracy we have to hold elections, and to be the citizens we have give something to our country. This episode deals with inception of the Five Year Economic Plans - the crucial initial three plans. The question that arises is did the benefits of these economic plans trickle down to the common man, or have they been effective only for the elite? While dams and steel plants were conscientiously built, to date, basic drinking water is a distant dream for most citizens of India. Nehru had himself said " Where had the 42% increase in National Income between 1950-1960 gone?" He said he saw villagers better fed, better clothed and better sheltered but he saw some sections as poor as they were before. The right to vote a people's government was given to all of us. Election Commissions were instituted to regulate the process. How true a `democratic' a process is it? And is this form of elections the best for India? The Bhoomidan and Sarvodaya movements by Vinoba Bhave started with the proverbial big bang. We end this episode with a song based on a poem by P.T. Namacharia Forward - Forward we shall march for our country...



To make a Nation we need a Foreign Policy. Nehru crafted India's foreign policy based on the ideals of Panchsheel. At the Bandung Conference he urged all the Asian countries to adopt Panchsheel as their foundation. Nehru passionately believed not only in this policy of world peace but also in the gestures of `friendship' extended by China. The idea of peace turned out to be false...and when China attacked India, a hard, but much needed, lesson was learnt. This was a turning point for India as it enforced progress in the fields of military, industry and future foreign policies. The tenuous Indo-Cina relations had already started straining with India's protection to the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama. The war, thereafter, with China shattered Nehru's dreams and opened India's eyes to the responsibilities of protecting her territory. We end this episode with the most popular song Hum Hoyaga Kamyab.


LEADERSHIP ( Nehru - Shastri) Year 1964:

What happens when our beloved leaders pass away. Nehru's passing away created a vacuum in India's leadership. Everyone wondered how India would survive without Chachaji. He had held sway over India for 18 years with integrity and honesty. He laid the foundation of India and paved her future. Lal Bahadur Shastri ably filled Nehru's position and thus started a new phase for India. They stand in stark contrast to today's politicians whose only claim to being Leaders is their huge bank account.The paucity of committed politicians has hence hastened India's malaise in terms of corruption and poverty. Welfare of the people has been replaced by the need of the politicians to protect vested interests. We end this episode with a song based on Dr Karan Singh ode to Nehru on his death.



To make a Nation we need a common Language, a common thought. Language has been a major factor in dividing India rather than unifying it. The thrusting of Hindi as the national language on all the states created a Centre-States conflict that is yet to be resolved. The formation of states on the bases of language naturally fermented thoughts of regionalism that chafed under the Delhi rule. The three language formula did not appease their sentiments and the one presiding thought was alienation of the North Indian rule. We end this episode with a song by Bharatia Subramaniam -


INDO-PAK WAR AND THE CONGRESS PARTY SPLIT ( Shastri - Indira) Year 1965-69:

Nation brings with it various problems, they have to be solved. With Pakistan declaring war on India, Shastriji's slogan ` Jai Jawan Jai Kissan' became the national herald. The contentious issue of Kashmir is yet to be resolved with both nations proclaiming Kashmir to be their own. With the death of Shastriji, a power struggle erupted in the Congress party and the great split ocurred. Indira Gandhi came into power and changed the face of politics and its manouevrings, in India, forever. With her came the genesis of the Green Revolution where agriculture and the farmer got an added impetus. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan was a sucessful formula.


INDO-PAK WAR & `GARIBI HATAO' ( Indira ) Year 1972:

25 years and still our fellow brothers are under the poverty line, still we have not been able to solve various issues and we are given a slogan Garibi Hatao. Indo-Pak war commences in 1971 and India regains her might against Pakistan. Indira Gandhi's position, too, cements itself and she became a true leader in the eyes of the people. The election slogan of Indira Gandhi, `Garibi Hatao', made the people believe that she can work miracles for them. In that setting, Nationalisation of all banks, mines etc, was introduced.......This drama unfolded with India celebrating her 25th Independence. The episode also tries to throw light on India's progress since her freedom and examines if that advancement is in tthe desired direction.


WOMEN & JUSTICE ( Indira) Year 1975:

In religion and intellectually, the concept of Shakyi/Women is worshipped. This respect has yet to translate into reality for the common women. Indira Gandhi metamorphosed into an icon of Durga Ma and she was assured of the common man worshipping her. They chose to ignore her obvious faults. Ironically, while a woman could control the nation's destiny, the common woman was being subjugated and denied her basic rights. The constitution theoretically assured her her rights, but, in reality, she was not given a voice. In this episode we talk about the problems faced by women. Absolute power corrupts absolutely . This is the first time when Politics interfered with the `independent' Judiciary. Simultaneously, Sanjay Gandhi started exerting his power and became a force to reckon with.


DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY ( Indira) Year 1975-1977:

When your Fundamental Rights are taken away how does it make you feel. Did Power make Indira Gandhi declared Emergency or was it needed. In the name of party and national discipline she ruled with an iron hand. Police harassment, fear, restriction of fundamental rights became bywords in this black phase of India. Since Independence, the Emergency was the most cataclysmic event in India's history and the esteemed Congress party lost the peoples' support. What use is the existence of the Constitution, and a citizen's basic rights therein, when it can effortlessly be snatched away? The issue of Fundamental Rights will be debated in this episode. The best thing which could happen in India during emergency was that things worked ?



The struggling society recovers. For the first time, the citizens of India voted Congress out of power in the elections of 1977. The Janata party was determined to expunge the ill effects of their predecessors and even boasted a 55 year economic plan! Unfortunately, the Janata party could not prove to be any more effective than the Congress in governing the country. They, too, promised a lot but delivered very little. Poverty and unemployment were here to stay. Around this time, education was deemed to be the answer for India's ills and the concept of vocational education was implemented.



Violence used to resolve political issues. Ironically, a nation professing a philosophy of non-violence, India is beset with brutal acts of terrorism. Terrorism is an undeclared, proxy war, and the seeds of this were sown in the early days of Independence itself. Though the government had been dealing with this problem in Kashmir, Assam, & Punjab, its existence was forcefully felt by the common man only when a public figure, Indira Gandhi, became its first victim. The tantalising question she received her just desserts as her politicking had added to the fire of terrorism. We hence take this as a starting point of the reign of terror in India.


RESERVATION (V.P. Singh) Year 1988 :

Years have passed and still we are entangled in Issues and not in resolving them to benefit the `aam aadmi'. The V P Singh government backed the Backward Castes by implementing the, heretofore ignored, Mandal Commission. The backlash against this was vicious but it served in awakening the movement to uplift the backward castes. After Ambedkar, this period was politically active in improving their status. For the first time there was a movement against the Brahmin monopoly, and positions of power. During this tumultous phase, the spectre of communalism arose and questions of India being a truly secular democracy was debated.


`HUMEN BANANA HAI .....' -- PROGRESS TOWARDS YEAR 2000 ( Rajiv Gandhi) Year 1990:

We needed a young dynamic person to give us a new look. Rajiv Gandhi was invited to his prime ministership, continuing India's fascination with the Gandhi dynasty. And with him came the younger generation's outlook for technological and economic progress. Development and growth were the key words in India's policies and Rajiv paved the way to liberalisation. He ushered in the new wave of the Communications phenomenon and India joined the Global Village.



Religion? Secularism? Communalism? The Babri Masjid demolition and the government's ineffectual handling of this sensitive issue caused an irreperable rift between the Muslims and Hindus. It proved a lie that India is a truly secular state and showcased the fact that Religion is twisted and consciously used to manipulate the illiterate and ignorant vote banks.



Can the new Economic Policy get India out of the red? Nehru's Socialisiam has failed, and India woke up to the rest of the world miles ahead of her own progress. Despite huge financial aid from the foreign banks/Super powers/investments there seems to be a deficit in the benefits to the common man. Unfortunately, all the money winds up in the wallets of politicians and none in the hands of the people. Narsimha Rao, with the help of Man Mohan Singh, started the process of pulling India out of bankruptcy. India's markets were opened with the new policy of open economy. That brought about a new crop of problems that India is still trying to comprehend. Bottom line is that inflation and unemployment stll dogs the junta.


CORRUPTION & JUDICIARY (Narsima Rao) Year 1994:

Corruption and greed of the politicians has destroyed our Nation. Political corruption, Bureacratic corruption, Economic corruption, and Moral corruption eat into the very fabric of the national character. The denudation of strong ethical values, integrity and selflessness has led to a corruption of the Soul. How this has destroyed India can be seen in our daily lives....and daily newspapers. Being a citizen of India demands from each individual a fulfilment of their Fundamental Duties. Most are aware of their Fundamental Rights but choose to circumvent their Duty to the nation -- be it in keeping the roads clean, or refusing to give or take bribes, or even casting their votes. A true Indian qualifies in these very points. Is there hope for India with the recent Judicial activism?


POLITICS & POLITICAL EXPLOITATION (Narsima Rao / Deva Gowda) Year 1996:

The existence of so many political parties in India augurs a healthy Democracy. India started out with a one party Democracy. But over the years, the number of powerful political parties has increased to an extent where only a Hung Parliament and Government can exist at the centre. Factors of regional politics, intra-party politics and vote banks determine the fate of the governments. But how effective are these regional and national political parties in governing for the betterment of India or are they too involved in playing party fighting? The common man has to be made intelligent and aware that they are made the play things of politicians and only then can a true Democracy exist. In this episode we also throw light on Political Party Ideology.


CULTURAL INVASION (Rajiv Gandhi - Deva Gowda) Year 1996:

Development and Progress come with a price. And Society has to pay. For the advantage of easy access to world and technological information, India jumped onto the Information Superhighway and is now threatened to be swamped under the ogre of Western Junk. Through the linkage of satellites the world is getting smaller. Governments can build walls to keep out foreign influences but the open skies relentlessly break down these man made barriers. Cultures seem to be mearging into and Though with so many satlights, the question of sky being a junkyard was always there, but today we are being fed with junk from the Skys. The question which immediately comes into our mind is what is the furture for our children. Today the child is being feed with immence violance, will this effect the society.


SOCIETY ( Nehru - Deva Gowda - I.K. Gujral ) Year 1996-97:

Are we live in a fragmented society. What was held sacred earlier has lost sanctity - marriages break down, elders are shunted aside for, generation gap is felt more strongly as the years pass, and idealism and innocence are dying out. The Political Society too is unsure and unstable. The Social Society has become materalistic...the Religious Society is confused, and the Economic Society is in shambles. Education in all its sense has collapsed. Where are we going today ? What is going to happen to our young ones ? What is the furture for them ? What is the furture of our country? Do we have it in us to rebuild the society, the nation?



I.K. Gujral - speeks on India

About the Producer Yati Jindal

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