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José Borawski's descendants page

Temporary important note


 Dear Borawski:

This page tries, among other objectives and without no economic aim, to compile data of which they take our last name through the time and of the countries in which they are scattered the Borawski and among other things to offer it for the gratuitous diffusion of messages that are considered of interest.

Like our ample intentions, many are the data that we need. We are sure that, with time, we will be obtaining them. For this the collaboration is necessary of which, with our same vision, they can contribute the necessary information that it allows us to be approaching us the greater possible precision.

The required collaboration, fundamentally, talks about to the shipment - without commitment - of the pertinent form with the greater amount of possible data that they are of his knowledge. But it is evident that this first arrival to those who take our last name is not all the ample one that we wanted because we lack the electronic directions that allow us to send this sought email of presentation and saluting.

By virtue of the exposed thing more above, and knowing the existence communities of Poles in addition to the one to our country - the Argentine Republic - who could take our last name (the USA, Canada, France, Nepal and Poland, among others), we would appreciate the collaboration much to him of those who lives there or where were citizens who take our last name, consisting of being the ones in charge to spread this note of the form which they consider advisable, and they make us get the information corresponding to the made managements so that we can receptors it, order it and put it in unconditional service to all Borawski that demands it.

 We considered that with a collaborator ad-honorem by country, that can help us to obtain the objectives that we have prevailed without another aim that to meet through the distance, we will obtain that the knowledge of the diverse branches of the Borawski can be unified until arriving at ours deeper roots.

Three localities exist in Poland that take our last name (Borawskie), we have a shield of arms and - according to work in our knowledge - the oldest representative of our last name until now found in history books, goes back to the Average Age.

 We considered that the personal or local necessities at the moment would not have to be obstacle as far as the possibility of honoring to our ancestors and of constituting to us carrying of a last name that must be object of respect, admiration and pride.

 We waited for your news and your offer of the asked for collaboration. From already it can count on all the informative aid that it requires and the elements that are in our possession, to carry out that representative ness that we offer. The modern technology will be, in this aspect, an invaluable aid.

 From already we appreciate its attention, understanding and commentaries. This note is written up in the language of our country of origin and in English. We aspired to also spread it in the language of our ancestors, who lamentably we do not know. If it can make take a translation us of the present, it would be to us of very many joy and utility.

 Immediately brotherly, at the moment, we took leave, of Borawski to Borawski.

From already we appreciate its attention and understanding


 Héctor Jorge Borawski and Eduardo Jose Borawski


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Initial considerations & Borawski's form

b_rojo.gif (914 bytes) Familiar genealogic tree
b_rojo.gif (914 bytes) Origin´s name
b_rojo.gif (914 bytes) Book "My father, that inmigrant", author Héctor Jorge Borawski
b_rojo.gif (914 bytes) Borawski's list from Internet


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