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Prose and Poetry
Original Works by Kevin Dobson and Selected Works by Others

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In my high school career and beforehand, I have oft-times been required to write many and varied poems to satisfy my English teacher. One I am very proud of is a sort of re-write of the Diablo-themed poem called "Away from the Light of the Sun", the "Ballad of the Warrior".I thought it lost as I gave my only copy to my grade 9 English teacher. Needless to say I was slightly irritated by this, as it was irksome rhyme royal. Luckily, it has now been found, safe on my hard drive. Expect to see all my good poems online soon.

Since I just found "Ballad of the Warrior", I am in a good mood. Below shall be a list of poems¤.

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Good old prose. I've tried my hand at various things, maybe I'm better at poetry, but I can and do write short stories. One day, I plan to turn this into a book, or at least write a longer fantasy novel, but that's for the future. I do enjoy some worldbuilding, but keeping it all in my head and just letting the story and setting flow can be equally fun. So, without further ado here is (at least the first part of):

Saure Rache - Kevin J. Dobson
¤Original works the intellectual property of Kevin Dobson. He reserves the exclusive right to reproduce, in whole or in part, said works. Others may reproduce parts of aforementioned works only with the written permission of Kevin Dobson and the provision that a link back to this page be embedded into yours. However, some names, images, and concepts are not the property of Kevin Dobson, and due credit will be given.

The "warrior.gif" image is by Blizzard Entertainment and also appears in the official player's guide.

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"The Nightingale" - Anon. Lute Duet