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Watching the sunset at the 2000 Colorado Retreat

Colorado Retreat

W. Jayne Stanley
Jo Campbell-Amsler

W. Jayne Stanley and Jo Campbell-Amsler

Instructors at the Retreat,
W. Jayne Stanley
Jo Campbell-Amsler

Student Projects:

Projects from the 2000 Retreat Projects from the 2000 Retreat

Projects from the 2000 Retreat Projects from the 2000 Retreat

Projects from the 2000 Retreat Projects from the 2000 Retreat

retreat group photo, 2000

Retreat Group photos
from the
2000 Colorado Retreat

retreat group photo, 2000 retreat group photo, 2000

Retreat Instructors, W. Jayne Stanley 
and Jo Campbell-Amsler

Thanks so much for sharing the Retreat with us,
you made beautiful Gourdskets® and baskets!

Read more about the 1999 Retreat in a retreat review
See photos from the 1999 Retreat
Learn about Jayne's new Gourdsket® Video, Pining For Your Spirit

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Come to the: Pine Needle Group Logo, created by Carol Antrim

Web design by Pamela Zimmerman