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Photos of Eucalyptus pulverulenta

Leaves of E. pulverulenta in my garden.  The leaves take on a darker color after treatment for use in boquets and wreaths.

E. pulverulenta at Vashon Island Botanic Gardens, Vashon Island, WA.

A mature E. pulverulenta in a Seattle garden.  It is quite an odd looking tree.

A somewhat closer shot of the leaves and stems of the above tree.

Another shot of E. pulverulenta in my garden.

Close up of the new growth.

This E. pulverulenta outside Bloedel Hall at the University of Washington in Seattle as assumed a very strange horizontal growth habit.  It does not appear to have been pruned into this form.  E. pulverulenta can take on a variety of shapes and sizes but this is quite a unique one.

Seed capsules of the above tree, in case anyone thinks this might not be E. pulverulenta.

Lignotuber of the above tree.

A shot of the leaves and bark.

More photos of Eucalyptus pulverulenta

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