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Rarely Played Character List

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The characters on this list are approved characters who have been played in the past and are used only breifly in storylines, but are essential for future storylines. Or, they are relatives of main characters who show up occasionally, but not for very long. These characters must be played at least twice a year or they will be removed. A Character must be requested and then approved before she/he can be added to this list.

Character Name





Special Powers/Magic


Adrian tom born 7/16/00 twin brother of Aislen, brother of Jey, half-brother of Reubus; son of Demeter & Alonzo grey tabby



Ahaseurus tom 8 father of Similyn, Zethar, Marla; mate of Hadassah purebred long-haired brown Abyssinian with white spot on shoulder


Lives in France and is alpha of his community
Aislen queen born 7/16/00 twin sister to Adrian, sister of Jey, half-sister of Reubus; daughter of Demeter & Alonzo grey tabby



Alexandria queen born 9/4/00 daughter of Similyn and Nick-Ko-Las; sister of Serena, Tabetha, Colin, Alarielle, Sarai, Quennel Ginger/brown tabby


lives at Jim's house mostly
Alonzo tom 5 lifemate of Demeter; father of Adrian, Aislen, Jey white, w/ brown spots



Ben tom 1 mate Dayna; father of Derek, Jane, Vance dark brwn, w/ medium build; eyes change color to match as he is around different colored objects


not large; very hyperactive; talker
Brigid queen dead daughter of Morrigan & late evil warlord Dagda flame colored w/ white feet, chest, & face; emerald green eyes
hidden from her father by her mother; raised in Eire by her great-grandmother; Irish accent; Amulet of Eire; born 2/2/99
left for Ireland with mother Morrigan; priestess of Eire; deceased
Bustopher Jones tom 9


very fat, black w/ white spats



Captain, The tom 5 The Former Captain of Liora A rather large tom, Tabby, brown gray and gold eyes.
Met Liora in Scotland when she was weak and vulnerable and became her faithful right arm man until he betrayed her to her father.
Cat Morgan tom 11 brother of Old Deuteronomy; grandfather of Similyn tan, brown, & gray tabby


once was a pirate, but retired & is a commissionaire at the Russell Hotel
Cathryn queen born 6/25/00 daughter of Soren and Chrys, sister of Zachary white and black kitten telepathy


Colin tom born 9/4/00 son of Similyn and Nick-Ko-Las; brother of Serena, Tabetha, Alexandria, Alarielle, Sarai, Quennel Ginger/brown tabby


lives at Jim's house mostly
Dabney queen born 7/31/99


long-hair white w/ blue eyes empathic


Damein tom born 4/16/99 mate Sally; father of 7 kittens; son of late Venoym & Alysa; brother of Dayna, and the lates Hope and Mandolin black w/ white markings


nickname "Dammy"; martial arts master.
kittens: Hope, Lyness, Edrana, Shasta, Baxter, Lorenzo, and Lloyd
Dante male wolf 5


grey and white wolf with ferocious yellow eyes hypnotizing Dante is part of Cheshire's pack; he is one of the original 3 members of the pack; he is superior officer and advisor to Cheshire; can often be seen with her; doesn't trust many creatures, dislikes cats
Dayna queen born 4/16/99 mate Ben; daughter of late Venoym & Alysa; sister of Damein, lates Hope and Mandolin; mother of Derek, Jane, Vance ginger



Desdemona queen 5.5


small, delicate; like a mini leopard; big hazel eyes; sleek short fur; looks fragile


amazing rider; unmatched agility; haunted past; nervous; skittish esp around toms; closed off; dark
Endymion tom 5


tall, impressive-looking; masculine & handsome; thick semi-long coat that is silver, white, & black tabby; exquisite grey eyes



Epic queen 5 distant cousin of Shady and Cheshire (unknown to all) large; gray cream colored; intense green eyes beguile, camouflage, Phototelepathy stray; never really assoiciated with other cats; dark, mysterious personality
Etcetera queen 2 mate of Jack; mother of Belle, Eskevar and the late Amberle just like the show (calico but 90% white)
Fagin tom 4 uncle of Mistoffelees & Nattie brown
works for Paladyr
Guardian tom 2
Grey black tabby, His eyes change color depending on what mood he is in. Red for mad, purple for amused, blue for liking someone, yellow for sad and green for happy.
No relations whatsoever. No one knows from whence he came, he just came. Guardian is a guard at the lair, though he often practises dark magic on his own. He is very strong and very handsome. At the moment, he isin Rotterdam.
Hadassah queen 8 mother of Similyn, Zethar, Marla; mate of Ahaseurus purebred Russian Blue

Resist Magic

Lives in France and is alpha queen of her community
J and K toms 3 & 7


black cats with white chests remove magic appears to cats who have not registered; Division 6 of the board
Jack tom 2


salt and pepper tom


looks like he knows more than he shows
Jackel tom 3
gry tabby
runs faster then most; works for Lacroix
Jector male dog 4 Minstrel's personal friend; friend of Jellicles typical Chihuahua


comic relief, info gatherer for tribe
Jey tom born 7/16/00 brother of Adrian, Aislen, half brother of Reubus; son of Demeter & Alonzo brown with black spots



Joshua tom 2 brother of Chrychaesa, Kesstiane, Orion white with gray telepathy siblings were seperated at 3 months but found each other through memory
Judas tom 3


grey and white tabby with intense green eyes
originally from Jerusalem; betrayed his dear friend out of fear and fled; ended up in England and eventually in the Junkyard
Katline queen dead sister of Gareth, Troubador Gray with a black stripe down her back



Kesstiane queen 2 sister of Chrychaesa, Joshua, Orion white with grey telepathy siblings were seperated at 3 months but found each other through memory
Khan tom 5
grey and white stealth He is very strong.
Lacroix tom ? uncle of Macavity, Nick-Ko-Las white with some black beguile businesscat in own right
Little Skimbie tom born 6/99 adopted by Sillibub & Taggi orange tabby w/ green eyes; looks like Skimbleshanks


little too good at make believe; believes what anyone tells him; thinks he's Skimbleshanks
Loky tom 3


Loky has emerald green eyes that sparkle mischievously; he has sleek black medium fur; lithe muscles and a plush tail as well


very, very fast and agile; one has to be when mischievous...
Minstrel tom born 8/20/95 widower of Bombalurina; son of Bard; father of Gabrielle; brother of late Shadowcat & Zara charcoal gray, tan & black longhair Maine Coon doppleganger, healing, lightning ex-alpha tom; also called "Davyn" Martial Arts Master;
Nattie queen 3 sister of Mistoffelees Calico
Neil tom 3 brother of Jasmine black face with red ears, head, and paws; the rest of him is a creamish tan; blue eyes healing when he was real little he ran away from his and Jasmine's unpleasant family, Jasmine helped him
Ophelia queen 8 mother of Grizabella; grandmother of Amélie gray & black long hair tabby; gray eyes; ratty looking & grizzled
left Grizabella soon after she was born at the edge of a junkyard because she was going crazy; tried to drown herself, but was saved by mysterious characters; has come to the yard to find her daughter & reclaim her love; now lives with Grizabella in the car
Orion tom 2 brother of Chrychaesa, Joshua, Kesstiane white with gray stealth, telepathy siblings were separated at three months but found each other through memory
Quennel tom born 6/6/99 son of Nick-Ko-Las & Similyn; brother of Alarielle & Sarai gray w/ white chest & paws personal projection


Rayce male raccoon 3


typical raccoon


comedic relief; short temper; attack when provoked; isn't playing w/ full deck; thief Ruby of Evil
Razzalane queen 4.5


long silky white; green eyes; tall & majestic; sophisticated-looking


actress/singer; lives in dressing room of Old City Theatre; loves flirting; uses toms to advantage; street-smart; unknown past
Rempiersteele tom 5 none a cat Doppleganger based in France; has been trying for resist magic queen kittens
Track Liam tom born 11/13/99 son of Sillabub & late Tyler; brother of Jenna-Lyn, Nathaniel almost replica of siamese father, but lighter gray markings


named by adopted brother Little Skimbie
Zethar tom born 1/15/96 brother of Similyn, Marla; father of Mattahew brown


used to be strong-arm for Macavity, now reduced to guard status on probation; loved Gabby

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