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Magic Items
Magic ItemDescriptionOwner
Collar of Speech leather collar w/ 8 stones 4 cat's eyes alternating w/ diamond, ruby, saphire & emerald; allows cat wearing it to "speak" to one human; bond b/n cat & human is lifelong & cannot be transfered; when one dies, the collar loses it's power for the other; only new cat can use the collar, w/ same restrictions Whereabouts Unknown
Eye of the Sea A black leather strand with a cloudy blue shapphire hanging from it. This allows the wearer, only a kitten, to learn its own inner powers quicker and with more ease than the average kitten. From the Eternal Cat. Given to Setsuna from Cheshire
Irish Stone can control one cat: Cheshire Cheshire
Looped Cross small metal charm with a looped top that can be used for healing small temporary wounds in others; if owner is evil, there are aftereffects to this "healing" Shady
Ruby of Evil works differently for everyone; it corrupts wearer, makes them forget about loved ones; succombes to evil in various forms and degrees Rayce

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