We are Soldiers of Christ . We are here to tell you about the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord. After about two years of having a vision of this company, God had showed one of my dear friends a pastor of Blackrock Baptist Church(Rev. Frank Camaratti) A message which was about the Soldiers of Christ and I designed this website after that message and I hope Jesus is glorified for the work I did. I hope you enjoy this website to the best of your abillity as much as I enjoyed making it.


What are Soldiers?

In Ephesians 6, Paul gives a clear picture of a Soldier of Christ. Paul talks about the many different styles of armor and the way all relate to the Christian walk. It is easy for Paul to think of the many attributes of a Soldier, after all when he wrote Ephesians he was in prison guarded with a guard everyday. Also, in 2 Timothy 2:4 Paul says "A soldier on duty doesn't get caught up in making deals at the marketplace. He concentrates on carrying out orders." Paul made it very clear to Timothy that he is to concentrate on everything that the Lord wants him to do. Paul lived this very statement that he said to Timothy, he never went anywhere without the Lord's concent. So, Soldiers in biblical terms are Soldiers for Christ, that don't get intangled with matters of this world but his/her only focus is the Lord's will.

Soldier Corp is a company that is produced to share the good news of Jesus Christ. As well as the tools to share Chirst to other and the help others share Christ.