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Well it all started in Tonawanda, with a kid named Al. He desperately wanted to get a band started. . . . . so he went online under aol and looked in the member directory and found shawn martin. . . . . . . they talked for a while and eventully met. . . they were so desperate for members they ended up adding a few people they would regret. . . that didnt last long lol so after a few months of discommunication al and shawn formed another band. . . they added 2 new members Nick and rob. everything went perfect. . . they had 7 songs and a show in may 29 2004. but things got complicated. tension between al and rob had risen untill al's anger just exploded. he wasnt going to put up with this shit anymore . . . . the WHOLE band took a vote and ROB took the boot. We went strong playing our first show......which i would have to say eventully nick the bass player would end up losing interest in the music.........and in additon Shawn became mad at him for a reson that is personal, nick was a thing of the past.........that didnt slow the band down at all......we were exited about our upcoming show with our new singer mark! After the amazing show, despite the missing bass position... we have progressed since then.....We have found a replacement bass player named Frank...we have been teaching Frank our music and are hoping he will be ready for the show on August 7th! Then we lost Frank after the show (which went well)do to stupidity we are bassless once again....we will continue playing wiht out a bass player....