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March 12

Remember way back when. Like a year ago when By Wednesday was still together. Well we are back for another show. It is going to rock, a lot. I am really psyched.


October 25

So, after a few days of confusion, I have used my power of clairvoyance to determine that By Wednesday will be playing one last show. YAY!


September 8

Well, the blitz is over. The shows went from good to better to best. Thanks to everyone who came and danced and bought our CD. Our CD is still available so email me to get one while you still have a chance.

Super thanks to The Misters! The Misters' cover of By Wednesday Man was amazing. We love you guys!


August 20

Let's see...uploaded the infamous jam from our recording session, redid the audio section so that each text blurb agrees with the rest, instead of each one saying that it's the newest.

The YOR tour kickoff was alright. We ended up playing last again, but a decent crowd stuck around to hear our set. Too bad we couldn't play our entire set...somehow we started ~15 minutes late...


August 10

The good news: we won the battle of the bands!!!

The bad news: we had to pay $25 to enter the battle, which is what? NOT COOL. I'm not going to waste my time or yours bitching about it, but, suffice to say, the show didn't benefit us in any way other than the fact that it was a gig, and we like to play.

The mystery news: we're not going to release our album through YOR. Why? Because...well, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use our website as a soapbox, but let's just say releasing a record through YOR isn't quite the way we pictured it. So we're releasing it ourselves. We have enough cd-burners between the 4 of us, and printing inserts and labels isn't too bad, so they should be cheap for us and cheap for you. And good. Very good. They should please at least 3 of your senses.

I finally got rid of the August 25 date (aka the mystery gig) from the dates section, since we didn't know what the heck it was. I hope it wasn't anything important. I also updated the dates section with new shows.


August 1

So the gig at the BLUEStage club fell through. They're booked through august and maybe september too...I don't remember. We also had a potential gig at Mug's Hideout in Ypsi, but that probably won't work either, since it's in september...
But the good news is I just installed windows 2000 and the software we need to mix down our cd. Maybe we don't need to though...whatever. We're looking for a place to do the duplication, so the CD shouldn't take too much longer.


July 22

WE'RE RECORDING!!! This is so awesome. We're at Miller's cousin Kevin's house, where he has a most excellent recording setup. It looks like we will almostly definately finish the entire album with time to spare. The driving here was easy, especially since we're all in one van (Miller's parents have my car). This is so cool!


July 20

Wow, the art fair concert was very excellent. There were a lot of people, mostly first time listeners, but some of our most important fans showed up to rock out. Most notable among the fans present were Caroline and Rose, who colected donations for us and Molly, who was finally present when we played her song. The concert also featured the debut of 5 (yes, five) new songs, including a song with only one chord and the first By Wednesday song to feature Spencer on the vocals, Ben on drums and Nick on bass. After our set, we were ruched for CD's. We sold all of our remaining singles without satisfying the massive demand, so we don't have to worry about having extra CD's around.

Fun Factoid: the trunk liner of a black 1997 Mazda with lots of bumber stickers works quite well as a drum pad/rug/whatever you call the thing you put under the bass drum to keep it from sliding and getting scratched.


June 27

Let's pictures in the practice section and lame one-liners for all of the pictures in the practice section. Also, The Misters totally rocked last night at the Blind Pig. The best news (besides Alec saying Ben's name during "Make You Mine"), however, is that we'll be recording an album this summer. We're going on a road trip to Indiana, I think (could be Illinois or Ohio, for all I know), to Miller's cousin's studio. The plan is to pull a long weekend there and come back with a ~10 track album available for purchase.


June 20

After several tedious, mind numbing hours of scaling and thumbnailing, our pictures from yesterday's practice are now up. Why did I spend so long messing with those pictures? because most people don't like waiting for a 300K+ 1280x960 picture to download. So check it out here.


June 16

So, a few hours before Ska-Fest-A-Thon I found out that Miller was in the hospital, so we began the difficult process of revising our set list so we could play without him. But Miller has a special friend and he can help you too, he's our hero, By Wednesday Man! So, after having surgery on his throat, Miller came to the Neutral Zone and we rocked out indie style. Then Miller went home to take painkillers and recuperate. I mean he played 2 gigs in a row while sick, then played another shortly after going under the knife. Yeah.

So Ska-Fest-A-Thon rocked the house. The Hot Flashez were amazing, Ten Times Fast with yet another drummer, this time the talented Cade, had people going wild, and The Feel Goods werevery excellent. If you weren't there, you missed a great show.


June 14

It's Friday for real now, and we finished our Commstock set a couple hours ago. We played first, so there weren't a lot of people there yet, but the ones that count were. Thanks to all you loyal fans, we were able to rock out indie style. The Commstock people recorded the entire concert for a compilation, so we're going to try to get our hands on the rights to the recordings, then pass along the savings to you. The best part of the concert was definately the Youth Owned Records medley that we put together and have kept secret now for months. It's basically a ska interpretation of The Plot Thickens, Voodoo Lighthouse, Ten Times Fast and The Misters. But, when you delve deeper, you will discover that is a metaphor for life. The only dissapointment of Commstock was that a certain fan that we wrote a song about didn't show up until after our set, so the fact that we delayed playing her song was irrelevent. Oh well, we're going to be playing it a lot more anyway. Rock on and come to Ska-Fest-A-Thon


June 14

So it's technically Friday, but we finished the first gig of our marathon only a couple hours ago. Miller is sick, but he still sang and belted out his trumpet licks on guitar. The show was a piece of cake, and I got a piece of cake. Part of it was vanilla, part was chocolate. Mmmmmm.....cake.....


May 26

Major props to the misters for getting some air play. They rock my sox. I just got done adding some more pictures from ska night. Hope you like them.


May 25

Well we are working on some new songs, a new super-duper-ultra high quality recording and a TOP SECRET PROJECT. If you want to know about the TOP SECRET PROJECT you will need to come to ska night, or give me a nice bass amp. We are really excited about all of our shows in june. I put a picture from ska night up, there are more to come. Peace and love.


May 17

Well, that May 25th gig is not going to happen now. I'm leaving town today, coming back By Wednesday night, then leaving again on Friday, not to return until sometime Saturday. Sorry about the false start for all of you loyal fans who constantly check for updates.


May 13

The fate of the By Wednesday Man recording has been at least partially determined: it is now available for download. That, and I just burned our Commstock demo, so we're that much closer to playing there.


May 9

We've been working on some multitrack recording (recording the tracks one by one, then putting them all together, just like the pros). I guess my room is now a recording studio, complete with a microphone and computer. Seriously, though, our recording of By Wednesday Man sounds really good. It's a lot better than the mp3's here on our website and better than the recordings on our single.

What will become of this recording? Will it appear on our website as an mp3? Will it be released as a new single? Will it appear on an upcoming By Wednesday EP? Will it be on the next Youth Owned Records compilation? Well, it's going onto our demo for Commstock, but other than's anybody's guess.


May 3

You know that whole thing about the Heidelburg? It's not happening. Oh well, it's probably better that way. We are most definately playing at the Ska-Fest-A-Thon on June 15, so you should be there. If you aren't, I'll cry.

On a completely unrelated note, my birthday is this month! May 20! Buy our single for yourself to celebrate.


April 28

Ummm...yeah...the gig at the Neutral Zone was...well...were you there? That's what I thought. Anyway, we almost won the karaoke contest with our rendition of Hit Me Baby One More Time by ms. Britney Spears. The bright side of that gig is that we might be playing with Red Rain Fallen May 10 at the Heidelburg (I probably spelled that wrong, but you know what I'm talking about).

One other bit of news: we're planning on doing a show at Peretti's pizza (we haven't talked to them yet...) Most of us went to the Mazinga show there on Friday night, and it was pretty intense and there's no cover. We'll probably play with someone else there if they let us play.


April 25

AAAAAAHHHH!!! We have a new gig! It's Saturday! April 27! At the Neutral Zone! Be there!


April 10

We don't have any gigs lined up right now. We really liked playing with Rael Rean at the Amnesty International fundraiser. They really have their act together (we just wanted to say that, 'cause they're really good). Also, it'd be really cool if all of you who have websites would link to us, since there are probably people out there who have yet to see our wonderful site. We'd be more than happy to link to your (music related) site as well.


April 3

Started putting up lyrics to our songs. Got 2 up so far, but I'll probably type more up after I finish writing this. Also, the Levin forum fundraiser is pretty much not happening and, more importantly, even if it does happen, we're not going to be able to play, so come to the Amnesty International fundraiser on Friday!


March 26

So we played at the Neutral Zone Saturday night and had a blast. We also released our limited edition No Tomorrow b/w The Caucasian Beat single. At only one dollar, it's affordable and still available, so see any of the members of the band or email us if you want your own limited edition, numbered, hand decorated copy.


March 23

Well, somebody thought that the link for weekend update looked like two links, so we changed it to "news". Kinda makes sense-we don't really update it so much on the weekends so much as whenever we get inspired to do something. Oh, and we're not SNL. So let this be a lesson to you: if you have a suggestion for us, we might like it and implement it.


March 21

We've got a guestbook now. Feel free to post your thoughts about By Wednesday and/or any messages you would like to send us. Just don't be a schmuck.


March 20

Okay, so our gig is this Saturday, at 8:00 pm on the 23rd of March at the Neutral Zone. We will be releasing our first single: No Tomorrow B/W The Caucasian Beat. We found a significantly better microphone than we used to record our mp3's, and we did multiple take to get everything right. All in all, it's definately worth one dollar. The CD's are also rather unique. They're called "Business Card Size", which means they hold just under six minuts of audio, fit in my wallet, and won't work in slot-loading cd players (ie new imacs and car stereos). However, they play just fine in a discman, boombox, computer, etc. Pop open your CD-ROM drive and look at the 8 cm diameter circle that's lower than the rest of the tray-that's where it'll go. As long as you have that, or one of those spindle things like discmen have, you should be in business. Even my old early 90's Sony discman will play it, and it's the most finicky cd player I have, so don't be dismayed by the size/shape of our disc. That's it for now kiddies.


March 8

Well, it's really march 9th now, but that doesn't really matter that much. We were going to do that birthday thing today, but that fell through. And then we were going to rent out the Neutral Zone and have a show with Ten Times Fast and Uncle Stuenkel (Alec and Steve from The Misters doing acoustic covers) but that didn't happen either. Which was disappointing, but since Miller got back from England yesterday, not necessarily the worst turn of events. Well I thought myself how to make tables for our web page and thus there is a nifty nav-thingy on the left side of the window now. Right now it's not working exactly how I would like it to, but it's late and I want to go to bed. Oh yeah I also added a bunch of new sections but I didn't put anything in them. I'm sorry if this is really long and rambly(<-- that's not a word).


March 1

Okay, so the website thing was supposed to be Ben's responsibility, but I took the liberty of adding some links. There are only two right now, but more will be sure to follow, as we actually become associated with other bands/organizations. If you want to see your site on our links page, email me and I'll see what I can do. If you want us to take down a link because you don't like it, just punch me in the gut, because we're not going to put anything up that doesn't deserve to be up, unless it happens to be a broken URL, which is another story entirely.


Later that day...

Hey hey, Miller's brother Martin made us a flash intro, yo. After looking around webmonkey, I found a flash tutorial which told me how to put the flash movie into an html document. Quite enlightening, seeing as internet explorer and netscape embed flash in different ways. So in netscape, the movie is really small, but then nobody uses netscape anyway. If you want to tell us that you love it, you can email us, otherwise, punch me in the gut. I'll probably end up throwing up on you, which is what you would deserve if you were mad at us for not being able to make our own flash intro.


February 28

Okay, this is kinda lame, but I changed our scroll bars so that they're black and white-hardcore two tone stuff. I think Ben was trying to figure out how to do that by ripping it off of Ten Times Fast, so I did it for him. Ummm...thanks Ten Times Fast. Please don't punch me in the gut for borrowing and altering your css code. It's just that I'm too lazy to learn how to do it on my own. As long as I'm rambling about web stuff, my AIM SN is Spencard.

Last night, Ben and I (Miller and Nick are out of town) went with some of our friends to see Voodoo Lighthouse, The Plot Thickens and The Misters at the Blind Pig. They all rocked, but the crowd all left before The Misters' set, which was absolutely amazing. After the concert, Ben and I both bought The Misters' single and a whole bunch of The Misters stickers. We then proceeded to listen to The Misters' single for probably half an hour, as we drove Caroline back to her home in Saline and then as we drove back to my house. In case you can't get the meaning of that, we LOVE The Misters! You guys rock the party that rocks the party.


February 26, 2002

We're thinking of making CD's for ya'll. We're thinking of tiny 8 cm 21 minute CD's, because they're cute and we couldn't fill a normal CD. They'll play in almost any normal CD player (see that little indent in the middle of the tray in your CD-ROM drive?), except for slot loading players. Maybe they'll be free, maybe they'll be $1-5, depending on how poor we are. They'll definately be better quality than our mp3's, and they might just have a bit of unique, never before seen By Wednesday artwork. Feel free to email us if you think the CD's are a good idea. If you think it's a bad idea, just punch me in the gut.


Febuary 23, 2002

So I'm going to start trying to update the webpage with news about the band each weekend. Unfortunately, there isn't very much news. We are playing a birthday party on the 8th of March, but I don't think Molly wants us inviting all sorts of people to her birthday party. We have also been asked to play an amnesty international benefit concert on the 5th of April, but I don't think that is really set in stone at the moment. Feel free to e-mail us if you want us to play a concert or if you want to tell us how much we rocked. If you want to tell us we sucked, you can just punch Spencer in the gut instead of e-mailing us.


Later that day...

Holy guacamole we've got mp3's! Hot of the proverbial press we have our first 3 recordings, ever. We recorded them today at our band practice in Spencer's basement with a really crappy computer microphone. Hopefully we will have some better recordings in the near future.
