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The Jam that didn't make it onto the album

After 10 hours of intense recording, By Wednesday kicked back with their producer, the infamous Whitey Jones (aka Miller's cousin Kevin Foulkrod), and had a jam session. Whitey Jones laid down the phat beats while Miller and Nick wailed on their guitars, Ben pounded out a phat bass line, and Spencer sat and did nothing. Then, By Wednesday recorded some excellent vocals while Whitey Jones watched the mix. Finally, Miller laid down the super funky trumpet track. This was going to be a secret/unlisted track on our album, but we decided it would be best to leave it off. Can you guess why?
The Jam

By Wednesday Man

Our first "real" recording, recorded in Spencer's basement one track at a time, then mixed by Miller. It's a whole lot better than the recordings on the single.
By Wednesday Man mp3

100% Natural Single

Our self recorded/produced/copied/distributed No Tomorrow b/w The Caucasian Beat has sold out. It was available for the low, low price of one dollar, but you can now download mp3's of this out of print master piece:
The Caucasian beat

No Tomorrow

By Wednesday's very first song!

This is the first song we ever wrote, before we realized that we could sing (or not, at least we can pretend). We don't still need a singer, so as much as we'd love all you beautiful ladies out there in cyber space to be our singer, we're all set right now.
We Need a Singer

All songs and recordings copyright 2002, By Wednesday. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of my butt.