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The Dark Spectacle Moth!

A fellow Dark Spectator (fan/friend of the band) happened to make a discovery while searching the internet. Apparently, there is a MOTH in Europe that is called a “Dark Spectacle!” The band, was impressed that someone actually found this out, as they happened to make the discovery about a year before. Guitarist Dave explains it this way: “I was searching our band name on the net one day, and somewhere buried in the results was this info about moths. I freaked out that we shared the name with this bug, but I looked up what little info I could on it. I just Praise God it wasn’t a bat, or a scorpion or a toad used for witchcraft or something!

The band came up with the name “Dark Spectacle” in 2000 based off of the Bible Scripture in I Cor. 13: 12: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” This Scripture appears on the opening page of their website. The name was searched on the internet extensively before being chosen; band and music business websites were searched like,,, and others. Random searches were performed on the net, and no moth information came up. The band arriving at the same name as this moth is just a humorous coincidence.

You can view this moth at:

The Official Dave Paris Website

Holy Countdown Website (Holy Countdown = pre-Dark Spectacle version of the band)

Disciple Website

The Christian Edge



Set Apart

Read the Dark Spectacle 'Thoughts on life' CD review from The Undiscovered at Guitar Nine Records

More links coming soon

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