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Ecommerce Online

Jeff Bezos          History of Ecommerce

         In 1994, a man named Jeff Bezos became infatuated with ho fast the Internet had grown in the last couple of years. He discovered that the Internet was now being used not only to find out information but it was also being used to sell products to other people. Once Bezos found out that the Internet was now being used to sell things he decided that he would give this new marketing tool a try. He conducted an experiment by compiling 20 products that he thought would sell fast on the Internet. After a lot of deductive reasoning he cam to the conclusion that books were at the top of the list. Six years in the year 2000, after Bezos had conducted his experiment came out and had an annual sales of over $2 billion a year and had over 20 million customers.

         Even though Jeff Bezos had great sucess with it was the structure of the buisness that made what it is today. Bezos settled his company firm in Seattle near a large pool of talented web designer and business associates. He was also located near a large bookstore distributer were Bezos gather the latest and hottest new books on the market. But soon Bezos realized that people always didn't find the book or author that they were looking for on his website so he provide his customers with links that would recommend them to different website that carried that book of books by a certain author.

         Through all the hard work and torture that Bezos and his designers went through Bezos said that it was definatly worth it. Today, doesn't only sell books but also sells cd's, casettes, videos, electronics, sofeware, art , housewares, toys, and dvd's. Bezos and have become one of America's most top seller online business's and also have been the first highly reconized success stories in online ecommerce in history.

History of Ecommerce
What is Ecommerce?
Different Types of Ecommerce
Advantages and Disadvantages