P-Fit Program
a very personal fitness regimen

Push and Pull
Penis Exercise

What will it do:

lengthens and strenghtens the penis and provides firmer erections
How does it work:
stretches and strengthens the tissues of the penis shaft
How do I begin:
Your penis must be completely flaccid (soft). Lie down flat on your back or stand upright.
What do I do:
If you are uncircumsized, slip the foreskin down the shaft toward your body, revealing the head (glans) completely.

Step 1: UP

Make a circle with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand. Grasp your penis just behind the head with an underhand grip (your palm is under the penis) and hold it firmly.

Pull your penis out away from your body, extending it to its fullest length.

Now take your left hand and press your thumb across the penis at the middle of the shaft.

Pull up with your right hand while pushing down with your left thumb. The penis should bend in the middle and you should feel a slight stretch in both directions.

Hold this push-pull stretch while you slowly count "one - two - three - ONE." Then relax both the pushing and pulling motions, allowing the penis to straighten out. Pull upward and push downward again, counting "one - two - three - TWO." Then relax again.

Continue these repetitions until you've counted to ten. On each repetition you can move your left thumb to a different position up or down the shaft, if desired.

Step 2: LEFT

Now make a circle with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. Grasp the penis with an overhand grip this time (palm on top of the penis), with your thumb and forefinger just behind the head. The head of the penis should be enclosed inside your fist.

Use your right thumb to hook the left side of your penis at its midpoint.

Pull to the left with your left hand grip, and push to the right with your extended right thumb.

Again hold this stretch while you count "one - two - three - ONE." Relax and repeat for ten repetitions.

Step 3: RIGHT

This time you'll make the circle with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand. Grasp the penis with an overhand grip, again enclosing the head inside your fist.

Use your left thumb to hook the right side of the penis at its midpoint. Pull to the right with your right hand, and push to the left with your extended left thumb.

Repeat for ten repetitions in this direction.

Alternate grip: You may find that you get a better grip by grasping the head with the middle finger of your hand instead of the forefinger.

Begin by doing ten repetitions in each direction on the first day; that's one "set". On the second or third day, add another repetition in each direction. Continue adding two reps every day or two until you are doing a total of fifteen to twenty repetitions in each direction, or for a total time of about five minutes.

Do this every day. One session for five minutes.

NOTE: When doing this exercise, bend the penis upward or to either side. Never bend the penis downward.

Personal Note:
I usually alternate this exercise with the previous one, Around the Clock.

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