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All our CDs can be ordered directly from us with PayPal. We will ship anywhere in the world.
Postage and packing costs £2 for up to two CDs, £2.50 for three CDs, and £3 for four.

All prices are in £ sterling. If you prefer to pay in US dollars, try our sister site at Flowforth Productions.
Proceeds are paid direct to the artists.

Alternatively you can buy any of our CDs through Amazon UK and Amazon US and other selected outlets such as CD Baby.



Rebsie Fairholm: Mind The Gap
CAKE 0801




Rebsie Fairholm: Seven Star Green
CAKE 0901


shipped 7 September 2009

Luna Trick: Total Submersion
CAKE 0802




Luna Trick: Hoar Frost Sheen
CAKE 0803




Luna Trick: Prophetic Guesses
CAKE 0902




Daniel Staniforth: Father To Father
CAKE 0804



Tricks Upon Travellers 2: From Another Plaice
CAKE 0701
