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Character Artwork

Welcome. If you're viewing this page, you probably already know me. In the off chance you're here by mistake, feel free to browse the artwork. Email may be sent to:

These images are characters I have designed for a full-scale RPG I am in the process of designing. (With the exception of Lexium and Valauiel, who I use for online text-based Roleplaying.) Dae's Paladin form has been removed, as I have scratched that idea in favor of others. Bear in mind that all characters here were drawn using MSPaint... so be a bit lenient on the judgements, ok? Also, please do not steal my work... you can look all you want, but if you want characters, MAKE YOUR OWN. That's all I ask... ...and with that said, enjoy the gallery.


Aislyn Nemira, Solitary Demon-Hunter (With Mask)

Aislyn Nemira (Without Mask)

Argus Maragi, Eccentric Inventor

Celcia Makalai, Wandering Minstrel

Chaela Valeliel, Fairy of the Forest

Dae Eredin, Knight of Darkness

Eivan Ven'ahrl, Vengeful Spirit-Dragon Necromancer

Emirasu, Melancholy Half-Angel

Ifria I'calna, Fiery Half-Demon

Lucien Nemira, Silent Dragonslayer/ Lujein, Demon Lord of Blood and Pain

Omega Shubi, Prophetess of Time

Reyna Tearlin, Cheerful Huntress

Serisa, Diplomatic Medusa

Shandris Allura, Princess of the Golden Leaf (Light and Dark)

Sphyre Rivana, Arch-villain of Asvoria

Thorn Eredin, Priest of the Blue Rose

Group Picture of All Current Characters


My apologies for the Dragon. I suck at drawing freehand... ^.^'

Lexium Vel'Denoraan, Shapeshifting Dragon of Dreams (Human Form)

Lexium Vel'Denoraan, Shapeshifting Dragon of Dreams (Dragon Form)

Valauiel, Super-villain Extraordinaire

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