
My grandfather's military and police decorations

26 years in service of Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin...

Trained by the F.B.I. ?! Impressive...

Family pictures...

Chillin' while we're rolling...

Matt... (no getting sick this year, huh?)

This is Youth Day...

Tamara and Sarah... And they really are this wild, despite what they would claim...

Armando's the man

What a dreamer... Wake up!?!

In the 'hood and in my house

Like the bandana look?

Tuxed out for prom... lookin' good with my friend, Emily

This is Los Angeles from the Odyssey

Emily and her friends...

Over those mountains is the Pacific Ocean... sweet view

This is the Mojave Desert... welcome to hell...... It's amazing the beautiful things the devil can produce

These are the famous windmills of Tehachapi...

Utopian Society? Looks like something from Star Wars...

It feels kind of good knowing that the Santa Anna wind is being put to use...

Man, I should get out here more often...

Raging in my room...

Decked out and ready...

How do I look?

Well, this was the occasion... I think I was one of the only sober ones there... Dan and Maria...

Hell upon earth... didn't I tell you I lived in hell?

Matt's belly dancer... good, clean fun

Chimie discovering the female...

Kicking it at Matt's, Jason behind me...

More to come soon... 'til then



Azad- Curse- Savas-
Torch- Die Firma-
Creutzfeld & Jakob-
E Nomine-
Lektionen in Demut - Lessons in Humility
Bilder/Pics:1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18 New!-

Copyright 2003 nathanthewise