

The Reichenturm in Bautzen

Bautzen from the Reichenturm

West side of Bautzen from the Reichenturm

The Rathaus (left) and the Dom (right) from the Reichenturm

The north side of Bautzen from the Reichenturm

The south side of Bautzen from the Reichenturm

The east side of Bautzen with a view of the prison (left) the "Yellow Misery"

Steinstraße, with a view of the Liebfrauenkirche

A great view of the cathedral in Bautzen

The city hall in Bautzen

A fountain with the patron of Bautzen in the shopping district

Bautzen along the Spree River

The water towers and old city of Bautzen at night

The Friedensbrücke at night


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Torch- Die Firma-
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E Nomine-
Lektionen in Demut - Lessons in Humility
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