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All copyrighted names and
character designs are the property of their respective
owners and are used for
non-profit entertainment only.
Site design and all original
content are the intellectual
property of kuroneko.
Do not redistribute without
written consent from the artist.

Link Out
The Anime Web Turnpike - alpha and omega of anime links.
Boy Meets Boy - the origin and definition of shibbyness
CLAMP Fanfiction - it is what it says
CLAMP Rakuen - Subaru and Kamui Naked with Chocolate Sauce and other essays.
Dictionary dot com - poor spellers of the world untie!
Fanworkrecs - the best in Gundam Wing sites.
The Fiction of Rose Argent - Duo. Heero. Angst. Woo Hoo!
Firecat's Fanfics - three words...Sakura and Snow.
GW Addiction - get your fix.
KiKiWai - make all your hard earned yen dissapear.
A Little Piece of Gundam Wing - fics, recs and a delicious fic contest. Nummy.
Manga Jouhou - manga translation, news and reviews
Omake dot org - the online yaoi magazine and guide.
Orobos - home to Clary fics.
Remedy - a faboo Lawful Drug site
The One Ring dot net - faster than news from Bree.
Story:the Gackt Fan Website - A real live anime boy? You decide.
Web Monkey - help for the HTML impaired.

Link Me

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Or just use a plain text link. I'm not fussy. If you wish to link to this site, just do it. You don't need to ask.