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All copyrighted names and
character designs are the property of their respective
owners and are used for
non-profit entertainment only.
Site design and all original
content are the intellectual
property of kuroneko.
Do not redistribute without
written consent from the artist.

Questions > Answers

Who are you? This question is answered in the form of a quiz! 55 things you didn't want to know about Kuroneko.

What does apophenia mean? Apophenia is the spontaneous perception of connections and meaningfulness in unrelated phenomena. The term was coined by K. Conrad in 1958. I felt it was fitting for a slash art site.

Can I host some or all of your images at my site? Part of me wants to say yes, but most of me wants to say no. So,... no.

Can I link to your site from mine? Go right ahead. You don't even need to ask. If you would like to let me know that you've linked Apophenia, leaving a note in the guestbook would be spiffy.

Your website looks like (expletive deleated)! I know. I rather like it this way. I must, however, apologize to users of older versions of Netscape. I tried very hard to get this rather simple layout to not look like crap in that browser, but it would seem that my html skills are not up to the task.

Your art looks like (expletive deleated)! It's an aquired taste.

Boy Love is sick! You're sick! If this is sickness, I don't want to be well.