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All copywrited names and
character designs are the property of their respective
owners and are used for
non-profit entertainment only.
Site design and all original
content are the intellectual
property of kuroneko.
Do not redistribute without
written consent from the artist.

A Message from the Artist

These galleries may contain images that imply and/or depict intimate relationships.

There is nothing too graphic here, but if you

a) feel uncomfortable viewing this type of work
b) are too young to legally view this type of work in your area
c) can't say the word 'sex' without blushing and giggling like a schoolgirl

then please leave. Quietly. Let it also be known that many of the works contained in this web site imply and/or depict relationships of a homosexual nature. The artist and author of this website understands that some viewers may find this type of relationship inapropriate for personal and/or religious and/or political reasons. The artist requests that anyone who does not share or cannot tolerate her personal view on the nature of love leaves this website and refrains from sending "flame" mail to her or to the webhost.
Furthermore, all copywrited names and character designs are the sole property of their respective owners. No infringment and/or defamation of those copywrites is intended.
By clicking the link below the viewer has read, understands and agrees to the terms stated above.

Thank you.

enter the art section