Greetings in the Name of Allah Most High and in the name of Messiah Yahshua!


Documents posted here are not copyrighted and may be quoted entirely.

Please address any point of concern WITHIN CONTEXT !





A Peace Plan of Allah Most High

The Master's Decree

The Mystery of Iniquity & Mystery Babylon
They that Forsake the Law Praise the Wicked:  KJV
Was the Dietary Law ever Abrogated?  by Jamilah Boulter

The Terrible Consequences of eating Unclean Foods

The Sabbath Days:  Heavenly Holy and Earthly Good

The Doctrine of Eternal Torment

Personal Testimony     

The Lamb

Confirming the Glory of the Everlasting Gospel

New Wine on the Scapegoat

John the Baptist on Islam

A Parable of the Kingdom

Allah in Abrahamic Religions

The Most High: What is His Name?

What is the Soul?

Hebraic Interpretations of Tolkien Languages

Clean and Fresh Peppermint Spray

All writings presented here are without cost to the reader and may be freely printed and distributed in accord with the Scriptural principle:   "Buy the Truth and sell it not!" Proverbs 23:23    
My book, Confirming the Glory of the Everlasting Covenant, will remain free here and elsewhere online, but it is also available in print through the link below for $7.50 + shipping. (I hope eventually to be able to print and distribute it myself at a lower cost.)  If you'd really like to have a hard copy but can't spare the expense, I'll gladly send you one if you'll email me your address. 
     print copy of Confirming the Glory