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Willene Vining

 Frank Vining 
 William Leonard Vining 
   James M Hankins
  Lucinda Hankins 
 Willene Vining 
  David S. Vaughn 
 Myrtie Ethyl Vaughn 

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John Almond

 Edward Almond 
 Thomas A Almand 
 John Almond 
birt: Spotsylvania Co.,VA
 Ann Ussery 

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James Almand

 Edward Almond 
 Thomas A Almand 
 James Almand 
birt: Spotsylvania Co.,VA
 Ann Ussery 

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Ussery Almand

 Edward Almond 
 Thomas A Almand 
 Ussery Almand 
birt: Spotsylvania Co.,VA
 Ann Ussery 

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Mildred David

 Peter David II 
 Isaac David 
  Elizabeth Morrisett 
 Mildred David 
  Daniel White
  Henry White 
 Mildred White 
 Celia Page 

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John Butler Almond

< Isaac Almand

Mary Almand

Jane Almand

< John L. Almand

John Almand

< Joseph L. Almand

< William D. Almand

< James T. Almand

 Edward Almond
 Thomas A Almand 
 Thomas Almand 
  Ann Ussery 
 John Butler Almond 
birt: 15 APR 1802
plac: Elbert Co., Ga.
deat: 14 AUG 1888

Mary V. Dillard
marr: 6 DEC 1823
plac: Elbert Co.,GA
birt: 16 OCT 1795
deat: 13 OCT 1863
  Peter David II
  Peter David III 
   Elizabeth Morrisett
 Nancy David 
  Henry White
 Mary Elizabeth White 
 Celia Page

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Mary Almond

 Edward Almond
 Thomas A Almand 
 Thomas B. Almond 
  Ann Ussery 
 Mary Almond 
birt: 12 AUG 1803
plac: Petersburg,Dinwiddie Co.,VA
  Peter David II
  Peter David III 
   Elizabeth Morrisett
 Nancy David 
  Henry White
 Mary Elizabeth White 
 Celia Page

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James L. Emberson

< Alice Florence Emerson

< Mary F. Emberson

< Everette C Emerson

< Joseph A Emerson

< Ervin Lafayette Emberson

< Omer John Emerson

< Robert Curtis Emberson

 Horatio Ellsberry Emberson 
 James L. Emberson 
birt: ABT. 1862
plac: Unknown
deat: 30 MAR 1912
plac: Checotah, McIntosh Co, OK

Elizabeth Ann Catlett
marr: 2 MAR 1884
plac: Logan County, AR
birt: ABT. 1865
plac: Catoosa County, Georgia
deat: AFT. APR 1910
plac: Probably Logan County, Arkansas
  Joseph Morris 
 Mary Morris 
 Hetty Boling 

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Harmon Bates

 Allen Bates 
 Harmon Bates 
  James Taylor White 
 Letitia White 
  Charles Ingram
 Elizabeth Ingram 

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Sarah A. Almand

< Sarah Elizabeth Sparks

 Edward Almond
 Thomas A Almand 
 Thomas B. Almond 
  Ann Ussery 
 Sarah A. Almand 
birt: 27 SEP 1810
deat: WFT Est. 1811-1904

Elisha Sparks
marr: 12 FEB 1829
 Nancy David Butler 

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