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Samaul LaFayette Almand

< Martha Frances Almand

Effie Kate Almand

Edith Almand

Hubert Arnold Almand

 John B. Almand
 John L. Almand 
  Mary V. Dillard
 John Floyd Almand 
 Samaul LaFayette Almand 
birt: 1870
deat: 1919

Susan Emily Whitaker
marr: WFT Est. 1888-1911
birt: 1872
deat: 1947
  Isham Husketh 
 Nancy A. Husketh 
 Susan Harris 

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Susannah Almand

 John B. Almand
 John L. Almand 
  Mary V. Dillard
 John Floyd Almand 
 Susannah Almand 
birt: WFT Est. 1864-1894
deat: WFT Est. 1870-1976
  Isham Husketh 
 Nancy A. Husketh 
 Susan Harris 

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Mittie Lee Almand

 John L. Almand
 John Floyd Almand 
 Volley Almand 
   Isham Husketh
  Nancy A. Husketh 
  Susan Harris
 Mittie Lee Almand 
birt: 1897
deat: 1904

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Mary Ella Almand

 John L. Almand
 John Floyd Almand 
 Volley Almand 
   Isham Husketh
  Nancy A. Husketh 
  Susan Harris
 Mary Ella Almand 
birt: 1901
deat: 1905

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Edward Almond

< Thomas A Almand

 Edward Almond 
birt: 1720
deat: 1780

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Effie Kate Almand

 John L. Almand
 John Floyd Almand 
 Samaul LaFayette Almand 
   Isham Husketh
  Nancy A. Husketh 
  Susan Harris
 Effie Kate Almand 
birt: 1892
deat: 1983
 Susan Emily Whitaker 

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Hubert Arnold Almand

 John L. Almand
 John Floyd Almand 
 Samaul LaFayette Almand 
   Isham Husketh
  Nancy A. Husketh 
  Susan Harris
 Hubert Arnold Almand 
birt: 12 SEP 1895
deat: 19 NOV 1959
 Susan Emily Whitaker 

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Edith Almand

 John L. Almand
 John Floyd Almand 
 Samaul LaFayette Almand 
   Isham Husketh
  Nancy A. Husketh 
  Susan Harris
 Edith Almand 
birt: 1900
deat: 1902
 Susan Emily Whitaker 

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Martha Frances Almand

Robert Horace King, Jr.

Jon King

 John L. Almand
 John Floyd Almand 
 Samaul LaFayette Almand 
   Isham Husketh
  Nancy A. Husketh 
  Susan Harris
 Martha Frances Almand 
birt: Private

Robert Horace King
marr: Private
birt: Private
 Susan Emily Whitaker 

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Johnnie Almand

 Thomas B. Almond
 John B. Almand 
  Nancy David Butler
 Joseph L. Almand 
  Mary V. Dillard 
 Johnnie Almand 
birt: WFT Est. 1845-1863
deat: WFT Est. 1851-1947
 Annie Dennard 

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