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Gregg Barlowe

 Gregg Barlowe 

Jackie Elaine Beavers

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LeAnn Glover

 LeAnn Glover 

David Allen Beavers
birt: 30 APR 1960
deat: MAY 1987
plac: Stroke caused by Brain Anneurism

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Cindy Trigg

 Cindy Trigg 

David Allen Beavers
birt: 30 APR 1960
deat: MAY 1987
plac: Stroke caused by Brain Anneurism

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William Leonard Vining

Frankie Lou Vining

< William Leonard Vining

Willene Vining

Reda Estelle Vining

< Mary Bell Vining|Karen Hughes|505 N. Charlton St.|Woodville, TX 75979|(409) 283-3752|(409) 283-7962 FAX

< Barney Vining

< Rufus Rowland Vining

Betty Joyce Vining

 Frank Vining 
 William Leonard Vining 
birt: FEB 1891
plac: Arkansas
deat: 1958
plac: Warren, AR, Bradley Co.

Myrtie Ethyl Vaughn
birt: 5 JAN 1898
deat: JUL 1984
plac: Warren, AR, Bradley Co.
  James M Hankins 
 Lucinda Hankins 

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Myrtie Ethyl Vaughn

Frankie Lou Vining

< William Leonard Vining

Willene Vining

Reda Estelle Vining

< Mary Bell Vining|Karen Hughes|505 N. Charlton St.|Woodville, TX 75979|(409) 283-3752|(409) 283-7962 FAX

< Barney Vining

< Rufus Rowland Vining

Betty Joyce Vining

 David S. Vaughn 
 Myrtie Ethyl Vaughn 
birt: 5 JAN 1898
deat: JUL 1984
plac: Warren, AR, Bradley Co.

William Leonard Vining
birt: FEB 1891
plac: Arkansas
deat: 1958
plac: Warren, AR, Bradley Co.

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Reda Estelle Vining

 Frank Vining 
 William Leonard Vining 
   James M Hankins
  Lucinda Hankins 
 Reda Estelle Vining 
birt: 16 AUG 1916
deat: 1 MAR 1985
plac: Warren, AR, Bradley Co.
  David S. Vaughn 
 Myrtie Ethyl Vaughn 

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Betty Joyce Vining

 Frank Vining 
 William Leonard Vining 
   James M Hankins
  Lucinda Hankins 
 Betty Joyce Vining 
birt: 3 SEP 1938
deat: 14 JUN 1939
plac: Warren, AR, Bradley Co.
  David S. Vaughn 
 Myrtie Ethyl Vaughn 

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John Wesley Hudson

< Bessie Hudson

< George Wesley Hudson

< Charlie Robert Hudson

Oscar Hudson

< Pearl Hudson

< Carol Hudson

< Gladys Hudson

 George Wesley Hudson 
 John Wesley Hudson 
birt: 3 FEB 1842
plac: Atlanta, Fulton Co. Georgia
deat: 13 JUN 1925
plac: Prescott, Nevada Co. Arkansas

Millie Lucinda Almand
marr: 21 JAN 1877
plac: Nevada County, Arkansas
birt: 3 MAY 1860
plac: Georgia
deat: 9 JAN 1901
plac: Nevada County, Arkansas
 Betsy Ann Landers 

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Millie Lucinda Almand

< Bessie Hudson

< George Wesley Hudson

< Charlie Robert Hudson

Oscar Hudson

< Pearl Hudson

< Carol Hudson

< Gladys Hudson

 Thomas Almand
 Peter B. Almand 
  Nancy David
 Bennett Simeon Almand 
  Permelia B. Dorsey 
 Millie Lucinda Almand 
birt: 3 MAY 1860
plac: Georgia
deat: 9 JAN 1901
plac: Nevada County, Arkansas

John Wesley Hudson
marr: 21 JAN 1877
plac: Nevada County, Arkansas
birt: 3 FEB 1842
plac: Atlanta, Fulton Co. Georgia
deat: 13 JUN 1925
plac: Prescott, Nevada Co. Arkansas
  Thomas Smith 
 Rhoda C. Smith 
 Millie Allen 

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Carol Hudson

Leon N. Purtle

Ruby Purtle

Tom Watson Purtle

Howard Purtle

 George Wesley Hudson 
 John Wesley Hudson 
  Betsy Ann Landers 
 Carol Hudson 
birt: 26 JAN 1887
plac: Nevada County, Arkansas
deat: 26 SEP 1973
plac: Springdale, Washington Co. AR

C. C. Purtle
  Peter B. Almand
  Bennett Simeon Almand 
   Permelia B. Dorsey
 Millie Lucinda Almand 
  Thomas Smith
 Rhoda C. Smith 
 Millie Allen

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