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:. New Chumps


.:.The Chump Bucket.:.
The third scheduled meet got underway today and the results are in: Lawrence +85, Eric +40, Jeffie +9, Enrico -5, Mandeep -11, and Collin -118


.:. U P D A T E S .:.


.: 31.10.2004 :.

On a cold but sunny Hallowe'en night, the fourth meet took place. After 25 rounds of ups and downs for many of the chumps, it is Lawrence with an outstanding +85. Meanwhile the former and first "Chump of the Week", Collin has managed to lose another miraculous -118 and closing the gap between him and Enrico.

Leader board after four meets:
Eric +237
Lawrence +98
Simon +35

.: 21.10.2004 :.

The second schduled meet went under way and we had a jam packed table with 9 members. Eric once again pulled out another big couple of rounds earning +97 on the day. Mandeep and the First hall of shamer Collin both won themselves something for the day. While the losses were spread quite evenly among the 6 people who didn't win, Joe (a new chump and now declared Chump of the Week) has taken the score of -32.

Leader board after three meets:
Eric +197
Simon +35
Metis and Mandeep +25


.: 19.10.2004 :.

There was a small meet of 5 chumps and things were heating up. The winnings were completely one sided. Eric took a dominating +116 while Enrico has shamed even the unshamable Collin with a score of -169.

Leader board after two meets:
Eric +100
Lawrence +40
Metis +39

.: 15.10.2004 :.

Once again the weather was not good enough to play ball. We'll try again on the 21st, the day before the pro-d day.

.: 08.10.2004 :.

The meet on Oct.8 has been rained out, the next scheduled meet is Oct.15.

.: 02.10.2004 :.

We have three new members: Phil, Enrico, and Joe

.: 01.10.2004 :.

Started playing Texas Hold'em.

The leader board for this start of the seaon is:
Lawrence in first with +40 points
Jeffie in second with +22 points
Mandeep in 3rd with +20 points

The next meet is scheduled to be on Oct.8 weather permitting. All out please. Remember to bring your change.