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Player Killing related logs (10th wipe)



dueling.txt - Was in a group of random people and we dueled one another.  Once again, I attack the wrong person.  I held the referee. Almost died, and had loads of fun.


blood_sea.txt - BSP decided I needed to die.  I held one of their members who was being an asshole, without knowing it.  A good example of why you have to be careful who you do things to.


furshai.txt - Funny how Renshai seems to think they can claim a zone/mob by locating something on it with spell 'locate object'.  I don't recall seeing that in the rules.


oy.txt - Apparently Renshai has some sand in their vaginas.


bsp.txt - Was attacked by BSP at Tollhouse.  Kajan tells you 'randomers=death'.  Too bad I didn't random anyone.  I don't random.


Azathoth.txt - A friend and I were in brogs, when this guy comes in and attackes me (As Pnik), and kills me friend.  I bring out the guns (Kelpo), and Xaznith and hunt the guy down.


blood_sea2.txt - Yet another assasination attempt.  Grumble.
