221H 77V 5583386X 66C Exits:N> enter hole An invisible stalker flies in from below. Atop the Waterfall The small creek that feeds the waterfall flows through the middle of this grove. The grove itself is filled with exotic plants of all types, most of which are in bloom. Beautiful flowers of red, yellow, green, white and purple fan their petals and stretch out to the sun. The sweet fragrance emitted by the flowers can be smelled almost anywhere in the grove. Oddly, most of the plants appear to be from regions far from here, and it seems almost impossible they could grow in this temperate climate. A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) The old druid Slade rests here and watches the scenery. 221H 75V 5583386X 66C > l slade This old elven druid looks to be at least three hundred years old, but somehow maintains strong physical and mental health. He seems to be quite happy where he is, growing exotic plants with tender care that would normally not grow in these regions. Slade, the druid is in an excellent condition. Slade, the druid is using: a rolled bromeliad leaf 221H 75V 5583386X 66C > Salcha shouts 'your sauce will mix with ours, and we'll make a good goulash baby' 221H 75V 5583386X 66C > gt 10 SECONDS TO TICK You tell your group '10 SECONDS TO TICK' 221H 75V 5583386X 66C > lAtop the Waterfall The small creek that feeds the waterfall flows through the middle of this grove. The grove itself is filled with exotic plants of all types, most of which are in bloom. Beautiful flowers of red, yellow, green, white and purple fan their petals and stretch out to the sun. The sweet fragrance emitted by the flowers can be smelled almost anywhere in the grove. Oddly, most of the plants appear to be from regions far from here, and it seems almost impossible they could grow in this temperate climate. A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) The old druid Slade rests here and watches the scenery. 221H 75V 5583386X 66C > Chasity shouts 'yourasickpuppysalcha!' 221H 75V 5583386X 66C > Sengir shouts 'boon arrr, gimme a tell' 221H 75V 5583386X 66C > comm You're too distracted to focus on your surroundings right now. 221H 75V 5583386X 66C > The darkness marks the end of another day. The lightning has stopped. 227H 105V 5583386X 66C > Trisk shouts 'oh jesus christ i can't imagine the abomination that salcha would make with any species of race the reproduces with sperm' 227H 105V 5583386X 66C > Ghaxx shouts 'Yeah, like donkeys.' 227H 105V 5583386X 66C > Sveloc shouts '"species of race the reproduces with sperm" English please you retard?' 227H 105V 5583386X 66C > enter holeAn invisible stalker flies in from above. Behind a Waterfall This small niche in the stone wall is well hidden by the falling water to the north. Small drops of water have gathered along the walls and ceiling, and slowly drip down onto you. Light is partially obscured by the waterfall, but causes a beautiful effect as the light shimmers and dances along the walls. The soft roar of the rushing water makes you feel relaxed. A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) 227H 103V 5583386X 66C Exits:N> n An invisible stalker flies in from the south. It is pitch black. A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) A colorful trout swims about through the lake's waters. 227H 102V 5583386X 66C Exits:NW> w An invisible stalker flies in from the east. It is pitch black. A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) A colorful trout swims about through the lake's waters. A colorful trout swims about through the lake's waters. A colorful trout swims about through the lake's waters. A colorful trout swims about through the lake's waters. 227H 101V 5583386X 66C Exits:NE> w Alas, you cannot go that way... [I went and picked up Conflavius quickly at the Tollhouse] 227H 80V 5583386X 66C Mem:3 Exits:NW> Conflavius flies south. You follow Conflavius south. An invisible stalker flies in from the north. Behind a Waterfall This small niche in the stone wall is well hidden by the falling water to the north. Small drops of water have gathered along the walls and ceiling, and slowly drip down onto you. Light is partially obscured by the waterfall, but causes a beautiful effect as the light shimmers and dances along the walls. The soft roar of the rushing water makes you feel relaxed. A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) Conflavius the Male Minotaur is standing here. (flying) 227H 79V 5583386X 66C Mem:2 Exits:N> Conflavius flies up. You follow Conflavius up. An invisible stalker flies in from below. Atop the Waterfall The small creek that feeds the waterfall flows through the middle of this grove. The grove itself is filled with exotic plants of all types, most of which are in bloom. Beautiful flowers of red, yellow, green, white and purple fan their petals and stretch out to the sun. The sweet fragrance emitted by the flowers can be smelled almost anywhere in the grove. Oddly, most of the plants appear to be from regions far from here, and it seems almost impossible they could grow in this temperate climate. A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) Conflavius the Male Minotaur is standing here. (flying) The old druid Slade rests here and watches the scenery. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> l slade This old elven druid looks to be at least three hundred years old, but somehow maintains strong physical and mental health. He seems to be quite happy where he is, growing exotic plants with tender care that would normally not grow in these regions. Slade, the druid is in an excellent condition. Slade, the druid is using: a rolled bromeliad leaf 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> Trilleq shouts 'i can't decide whats worse...shouting it..or repeating it...' 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> Conflavius pants heavily. c 'ref' Conflavius 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> You utter the words, 'refresh' Conflavius appears rejuvenated. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> c 'bark' conflavius Conflavius begins resting but stays aloft. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> Conflavius says 'make a feast' 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> Conflavius looks at Slade, the druid. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> You utter the words, 'barkskin' Conflavius's skin thickens into a protective bark. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> Ralnoth shouts 'math problem: you have 72 coins. If it costs 59 coins a day to rent, how many days can you rent?...... 67, oobviously?' 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:2> c 'fea'c 'blur' conflavius You utter the words, 'feast' A vine springs up out of the ground at your feet. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> gt 10 SECONDS TO TICK You utter the words, 'blur' Conflavius begins to become blurry and hard to see. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> Conflavius points at you and falls down laughing! How embarrassing! 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> rest Conflavius says 'another one' 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> You tell your group '10 SECONDS TO TICK' 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> You rest your tired bones but stay aloft. comm 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> You're too distracted to focus on your surroundings right now. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> sigh You sigh. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> mSpells currently memorized: 1: [ 2]gust of wind [ 1]sense life [ 3]summon faerie [ 1]thorn spray 2: [ 1]clear skies [ 3]refresh [ 1]sustenance 3: [ 2]elemental fist [ 2]fly [ 1]remove poison [ 2]sleep 4: [ 8]flame shroud 5: [ 1]conjure elemental [ 1]cure serious [ 2]hold monster 6: [ 2]temporal path Spells being memorized: 1: [ 1]barkskin [ 1]feast 2: [ 3]refresh 3: [ 1]blur You estimate your studies will complete in 1 (game) hour. Spells left (level-number): 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> comm You're too distracted to focus on your surroundings right now. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> forg 'ho' hold monster: You forget this spell. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> forg 'ho' hold monster: You forget this spell. 227H 77V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> Your studies complete, you put away your tablets with a smile. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C > m 'cure s' You pull out your tablets and begin studying them. cure serious: added to your list 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> m 'cure s' cure serious: added to your list 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> sta You stand up. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> c 'feas' You utter the words, 'feast' A vine springs up out of the ground at your feet. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> rest You rest your tired bones but stay aloft. comm 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> You feel connected to every living thing. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius gets a blueberry from a decaying vine. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> l Atop the Waterfall The small creek that feeds the waterfall flows through the middle of this grove. The grove itself is filled with exotic plants of all types, most of which are in bloom. Beautiful flowers of red, yellow, green, white and purple fan their petals and stretch out to the sun. The sweet fragrance emitted by the flowers can be smelled almost anywhere in the grove. Oddly, most of the plants appear to be from regions far from here, and it seems almost impossible they could grow in this temperate climate. A decaying vine rests on the ground...it glows blue [2] A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) Conflavius the Male Minotaur is resting here. (flying) . . . has a tough exterior. The old druid Slade rests here and watches the scenery. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> grouYour group of 3 members consists of: Member Hits Move Position Fly Inv Water Light Mem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conflavius fair rested resting Y N N 1 0 Kelpo perfect rested resting Y N N 0 1 Xaznith perfect rested resting Y N N 0 0 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius gets a mushroom from a decaying vine. Conflavius gets a mushroom from a decaying vine. Conflavius gets a mushroom from a decaying vine. Conflavius gets a mushroom from a decaying vine. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> 'not too long before figsYou say 'not too long before figs' 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius drops a mushroom. Conflavius drops a mushroom. Conflavius drops a mushroom. Conflavius drops a mushroom. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'ban me' 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius nods solemnly. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:1> staYou stand up. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> Conflavius says 'for th eobth of us' 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> band conflavius You mess up the bandages, causing Conflavius to wince in pain. Conflavius grimaces with pain from his wounds. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> band conflavius Conflavius winces while trying to bandage his own wounds. Conflavius grimaces with pain from his wounds. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> You mess up the bandages, causing Conflavius to wince in pain. Conflavius grimaces with pain from his wounds. 227H 108V 5583386X 66C Mem:3> band conflavius You apply bandages to Conflavius's wounds and hope for the best. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:3> rest You rest your tired bones but stay aloft. comm 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> You're already connected to your environment. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'mem cures' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> 'sell figs for 5c each You say 'sell figs for 5c each' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> mSpells currently memorized: 1: [ 1]barkskin [ 2]gust of wind [ 1]sense life [ 3]summon faerie [ 1]thorn spray 2: [ 1]clear skies [ 6]refresh [ 1]sustenance 3: [ 1]blur [ 2]elemental fist [ 2]fly [ 1]remove poison [ 2]sleep 4: [ 8]flame shroud 5: [ 1]conjure elemental [ 1]cure serious 6: [ 2]temporal path Spells being memorized: 1: [ 1]feast 5: [ 2]cure serious You estimate your studies will complete in 1 (game) hour. Spells left (level-number): 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius tells your group 'xaznith' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> forg 'cong' You've never heard of such a spell. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius tells your group 'where u at' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Xaznith tells your group 'balifor, doing a trade' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Xaznith tells your group 'hopefully' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> gt 10 SECONDS TO TICK You tell your group '10 SECONDS TO TICK' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Oy flies in from below. Torgin flies in from below. A sylph arrives from below. Woa flies in from below. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> forg 'conj' conjure elemental: You forget this spell. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Hurin shouts '18 warrior looking for group' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Xaznith tells your group 'hail' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Torgin flies down. A sylph leaves down. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Woa rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius smirks. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Torgin flies in from below. A sylph arrives from below. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'the fuck' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> m 'cure s' cure serious: added to your list 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:2> Xaznith tells your group 'whats up' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:2> arch You arch an eyebrow. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:2> comm You're already connected to your environment. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:2> Conflavius smirks. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:2> Torgin puts away his tablets with a content look on his face. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'all follow me' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Woa gets a leg from his chest. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Kalign arrives from below. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'why...' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Galileo flies in from below. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Kalign leaves down. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Woa gets a leg from his chest. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Torgin looks at Slade, the druid. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Woa looks at Slade, the druid. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius beckons secretively to Galileo. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Oy looks at Slade, the druid. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Galileo now follows Conflavius. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Woa oohs and ahhs, as if he is really, really impressed. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Galileo looks at Slade, the druid. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Woa says 'hoho' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius stands up. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Oy misses Slade, the druid with his crush. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> staYou stand up. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'hey' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Oy crushes Slade, the druid very hard. Oy whips Slade, the druid hard. Slade, the druid hits Oy extremely hard. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'dont steal our mob' 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Slade, the druid steps aside as Woa attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Oy delivers a vicious kick to Slade, the druid's face. Blood flies as his head snaps back. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Woa misses Slade, the druid with his pierce. Oy misses Slade, the druid with his crush. Oy misses Slade, the druid with his whip. Slade, the druid hits Oy very hard. Slade, the druid hits Oy very hard. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Torgin misses Slade, the druid with his bludgeon. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Slade, the druid steps aside as Conflavius attempts a bash, stumbles, and falls flat on his face. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius massacres Slade, the druid with his cleave. Torgin bludgeons Slade, the druid hard. Woa pierces Slade, the druid extremely hard. Oy crushes Slade, the druid extremely hard. Oy misses Slade, the druid with his whip. Slade, the druid hits Oy very hard. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> ord stalker ass seril ord all.champion ass seril ass seril 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Slade, the druid utters the words, 'cure serious'. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> You couldn't find anyone to order around. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> They don't seem to be here. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> Woa stands up. 227H 108V 5579555X 66C Mem:1> ass You attempt to assist Conflavius. You feel your bond with nature fade away as combat begins. You pierce Slade, the druid hard. You miss Slade, the druid with your pierce. Conflavius misses Slade, the druid with his cleave. Torgin misses Slade, the druid with his bludgeon. Woa pierces Slade, the druid hard. Oy crushes Slade, the druid very hard. Oy is unable to block Slade, the druid's attack. Slade, the druid misses Oy with his hit. 227H 108V 5579345X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Good] Mem:1> ord stalker ass seril ord all.champion ass seril ass seril Torgin focuses harshly on Slade, the druid and utters the words, 'burning hands'. Flames leap from Torgin's fingertips and burn Slade, the druid. 227H 108V 5579345X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Good] Mem:1> Conflavius stands up. 227H 108V 5579345X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Good] Mem:1> You pierce Slade, the druid hard. Conflavius massacres Slade, the druid with his cleave. Woa misses Slade, the druid with his pierce. Oy crushes Slade, the druid hard. Oy blocks Slade, the druid's blow with an impressive parry. 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> Slade, the druid utters the words, 'uqztholuzre'. Slade, the druid smiles as a veil of icy mist surrounds him. 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> You couldn't find anyone to order around. 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> You can't do that while fighting. 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> Torgin focuses harshly on Slade, the druid and utters the words, 'burning hands'. Flames leap from Torgin's fingertips and burn Slade, the druid. 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> 'dont frag it You say 'dont frag it' 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> You miss Slade, the druid with your pierce. Conflavius cleaves Slade, the druid hard. Conflavius is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Woa pierces Slade, the druid very hard. Woa is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy crushes Slade, the druid extremely hard. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy is unable to block Slade, the druid's attack. Slade, the druid hits Oy very hard. Oy is unable to block Slade, the druid's attack. Slade, the druid massacres Oy with his hit. 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Bad] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> Galileo tells your group 'tick in ten' 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Bad] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> Woa unsuccessfully tries to save Oy. 227H 108V 5579111X 66C [Oy:Bad] [Slade, the druid:Fair] Mem:1> You pierce Slade, the druid. You feel a sharp chill as you swing through Slade, the druid's freezing aura. Conflavius massacres Slade, the druid with his cleave. Conflavius is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Torgin misses Slade, the druid with his bludgeon. Woa pierces Slade, the druid extremely hard. Woa is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy crushes Slade, the druid extremely hard. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy whips Slade, the druid hard. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Slade, the druid misses Oy with his hit. Slade, the druid hits Oy very hard. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:Bad] Mem:1> Oy says 'cure me' 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:Bad] Mem:1> Oy tries to sweep Slade, the druid's legs, but misses badly. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:Bad] Mem:1> Woa unsuccessfully tries to save Oy. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:Bad] Mem:1> Torgin focuses on Oy and utters the words, 'cure light'. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:Bad] Mem:1> You miss Slade, the druid with your pierce. Conflavius massacres Slade, the druid with his cleave. Conflavius is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Woa pierces Slade, the druid very hard. Woa is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy massacres Slade, the druid with his crush. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy whips Slade, the druid extremely hard. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Slade, the druid hits Oy very hard. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> gt 10 SECONDS TO TICKYou tell your group '10 SECONDS TO TICK' 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> Oy delivers a quick snap kick to Slade, the druid. Slade, the druid staggers and tries to recover. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> Torgin focuses on Oy and utters the words, 'cure light'. Woa unsuccessfully tries to save Oy. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> You miss Slade, the druid with your pierce. Conflavius misses Slade, the druid with his cleave. Woa pierces Slade, the druid very hard. Woa is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy crushes Slade, the druid very hard. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy whips Slade, the druid very hard. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Slade, the druid hits Oy hard. Slade, the druid hits Oy hard. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> Slade, the druid utters the words, 'judicandus qfuhuqar'. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> Oy delivers a vicious kick to Slade, the druid's face. Blood flies as his head snaps back. 221H 108V 5578971X 66C [Oy:V.Bad] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> You pierce Slade, the druid. You feel a sharp chill as you swing through Slade, the druid's freezing aura. Conflavius misses Slade, the druid with his cleave. Torgin misses Slade, the druid with his bludgeon. Woa pierces Slade, the druid hard. Woa is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy massacres Slade, the druid with his crush. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Oy misses Slade, the druid with his whip. Slade, the druid hits Oy extremely hard. Slade, the druid hits Oy extremely hard. Woa heroically rescues Oy. 216H 108V 5578854X 66C [Woa:Good] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> comm You're too distracted to focus on your surroundings right now. 216H 108V 5578854X 66C [Woa:Good] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> Slade, the druid hits Woa very hard. Slade, the druid hits Woa very hard. Woa drives his dagger to an opening in Slade, the druid's armor. Woa annihilates Slade, the druid with his pierce. Woa is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. You pierce Slade, the druid. You feel a sharp chill as you swing through Slade, the druid's freezing aura. Conflavius misses Slade, the druid with his cleave. Torgin misses Slade, the druid with his bludgeon. A mushroom decays into dust and blows away. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> Oy gets a shield from his chest. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:V.Bad] Mem:1> Woa delivers a quick snap kick to Slade, the druid. Slade, the druid staggers and tries to recover. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Awful] Mem:1> Slade, the druid hits Woa extremely hard. Slade, the druid hits Woa very hard. Woa misses Slade, the druid with his pierce. You miss Slade, the druid with your pierce. Conflavius cleaves Slade, the druid very hard. Conflavius is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. Torgin misses Slade, the druid with his bludgeon. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Awful] Mem:1> Oy stops using a length of black chain. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Awful] Mem:1> Slade, the druid hits Woa very hard. Woa pierces Slade, the druid very hard. Woa is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. You miss Slade, the druid with your pierce. Conflavius misses Slade, the druid with his cleave. Torgin misses Slade, the druid with his bludgeon. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Awful] Mem:1> Oy starts using a granite shield as a shield. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Awful] Mem:1> Woa delivers a vicious kick to Slade, the druid's face. Blood flies as his head snaps back. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Awful] Mem:1> Torgin focuses harshly on Slade, the druid and utters the words, 'thorn spray'. Slade, the druid winces in pain as Torgin shreds him with a spray of thorns. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Awful] Mem:1> Slade, the druid hits Woa hard. Woa pierces Slade, the druid extremely hard. Woa is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. You miss Slade, the druid with your pierce. Conflavius misses Slade, the druid with his cleave. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Woa:Fair] [Slade, the druid:Awful] Mem:1> Oy crashes into Slade, the druid in a thundering collision, knocking him to the ground! Slade, the druid is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Slade, the druid:Dying] Mem:1> get all corpse What are you trying to get from? 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Slade, the druid:Dying] Mem:1> get all corpse What are you trying to get from? 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Slade, the druid:Dying] Mem:1> get all corpse What are you trying to get from? 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Slade, the druid:Dying] Mem:1> get all corpse What are you trying to get from? 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Slade, the druid:Dying] Mem:1> get all corpse What are you trying to get from? 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Slade, the druid:Dying] Mem:1> get all corpse What are you trying to get from? 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Slade, the druid:Dying] Mem:1> get all corpse What are you trying to get from? 221H 108V 5578737X 66C [Slade, the druid:Dying] Mem:1> get all corpse Oy obliterates Slade, the druid with his crush. Oy is chilled, as he swings at Slade, the druid. You receive 152 experience. Slade, the druid is dead! R.I.P. ord stalker staget all.coins corpseThe death cry of Slade, the druid echoes from somewhere nearby... Conflavius gets an onyx tablet covered in flames from the corpse of Slade, the druid. Conflavius gets a rolled bromeliad leaf from the corpse of Slade, the druid. Conflavius gets a pile of coins from the corpse of Slade, the druid. The corpse doesn't seem to have what you are looking for. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> get all corpse 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> The corpse doesn't seem to have what you are looking for. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> The corpse doesn't seem to have what you are looking for. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'drop it' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'now' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius gives you a rolled bromeliad leaf. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'drop it' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'now' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'drop it' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'now' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Galileo begins resting but stays aloft. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Woa takes a long swig from a large waterskin. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius drops an onyx tablet covered in flames. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'drop it all now' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Woa gets an onyx tablet covered in flames. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'NOW' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'its our mob' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> 'we were here first You say 'we were here first' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Galileo stands up. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Galileo begins resting but stays aloft. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Woa says 'this newbie fellah' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Woa says 'shouted it' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'fuckin furshai trying to punk my ass' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'you have 10 seconds' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Galileo tells your group 'tick in ten' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Woa tilts his head to the side, confused. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> snort Jijoi shouts '20 ranger seeking for a group' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> You snort loudly. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Woa says 'whats a furshai' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'i dont hav eit' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Galileo tells your group 'i got ur back' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Oy says 'fuckin drop it' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> gt 10 SECONDS TO TICK You tell your group '10 SECONDS TO TICK' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'i know who u guys are' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Galileo tells your group 'dont drop shit' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Galileo tells your group 'fuck them up' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> gt Im not You tell your group 'Im not' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'drop it' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'fuck it' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> frown What's bothering you? 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> l Atop the Waterfall The small creek that feeds the waterfall flows through the middle of this grove. The grove itself is filled with exotic plants of all types, most of which are in bloom. Beautiful flowers of red, yellow, green, white and purple fan their petals and stretch out to the sun. The sweet fragrance emitted by the flowers can be smelled almost anywhere in the grove. Oddly, most of the plants appear to be from regions far from here, and it seems almost impossible they could grow in this temperate climate. The corpse of Slade, the druid is lying here. A mushroom lies upside down on the ground...it glows blue [3] A decaying vine rests on the ground...it glows blue [2] Galileo the Male Gnome is resting here. (flying) Her dragonfly wings flapping lightly, a beautiful woman is here. Torgin the Male Hill Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Woa the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) Oy the Male Hylar Dwarf is standing here. (flying) A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) Conflavius the Male Minotaur is standing here. (flying) . . . has a tough exterior. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> comm You fail in the attempt to connect with your surroundings. 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> Conflavius says 'they asses i guess' 221H 108V 5578585X 66C Mem:1> inv Your studies complete, you put away your tablets with a smile. Galileo closes his spellbook with a content look on his face. A mushroom decays into dust and blows away. A mushroom decays into dust and blows away. A mushroom decays into dust and blows away. You are carrying: a rolled bromeliad leaf an odd long sword..it glows blue a large longsword [2] a short sword 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Galileo tells your group 'DONT' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Oy says 'we were here, we located it' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius says 'no u dint' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > 'so the fuck what You say 'so the fuck what' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Oy says 'we were doing it' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius says 'we were here first' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius says 'thats htat' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Woa gets a lemon from a decaying vine. 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Oy says 'fuck that' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Oy says 'we were her' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius says 'dude' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Galileo stands up. 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Galileo tells your group 'i got ur back' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > gt heh You tell your group 'heh' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Galileo gives some steel coins to Conflavius. 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Oy says 'why do i have to debate with you about this' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius says 'im starting to like furshai less and less' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius says 'drop it' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Galileo tells your group 'and im full mem' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius says 'drop it kelpo lets go' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > drop leaf You drop a rolled bromeliad leaf. 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Oy says 'stop saying furshai' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius tells your group 'they asses' 227H 108V 5578585X 66C > Conflavius leaves down. Galileo flies down. You follow Conflavius down. An invisible stalker flies in from above. Behind a Waterfall This small niche in the stone wall is well hidden by the falling water to the north. Small drops of water have gathered along the walls and ceiling, and slowly drip down onto you. Light is partially obscured by the waterfall, but causes a beautiful effect as the light shimmers and dances along the walls. The soft roar of the rushing water makes you feel relaxed. A translucent being hovers in the air here. (invisible) Galileo the Male Gnome is standing here. (flying) Conflavius the Male Minotaur is standing here. . . . has a tough exterior.