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șOș Welcome to the Home Page! șOș

Welcome to my NEW Disney website! I hope you like it! I'll be adding lots more soon, as soon as I get everything from my old site transferred. :D So please check back frequently! There's lots to come! If you want click the link below to go to my old website. Now... *clears throat* You can start by looking through my Disney related sections: Animated Movies, Disney "Did you know??" Apster's Avatars, and Da Artbook. Then you can browse around my other things, like my links and my profile. Also, sign my guestbook or guestmap! I love hearing from my visitors! :D Have fun!
You can
e-mail me with your questions, comments, etc. I'll be looking forward to it!
Thanks, Alex

P.S. If you want to control the music that is playing, please click here.

Note: Please wait for the page to fully load. For some reason an entire section of this page does not appear until the page is finished loading.

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Graphic made by Aubrey, please only use with HER permission.

Here's my old home page. Everything there is already here, but still...

Graphic made by Aubrey, please only use with HER permission.


Animated Movies!

Fun Facts about Disney

Avatars for messageboards and other things

Fanart by me and my guests!

Please note that the prize is only a graphic to put on your page. :)



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Graphic made by Aubrey, please only use with HER permission.

Mickey needs YOUR help. Please go to this site and vote for him! He's counting on you! Then, please tell your friends and spread it around. Thanks for your support! (Don't worry, nothing's going to happen to him, I'm just trying to prove a point. :D)



As many of you know, the new (and much anticipated) game "Kingdom Hearts" is only being released to PlayStation 2. And many people (including me) do not own a PS2, and I know that it seems pointless to spend so much money to buy the console, just to play one game. But, we might be able to change that! Sign the petition, and then tell everyone you know! (and if you want to put message on your website, copy the code below. You can edit the text block to what you want to say)
Sign the petition: Bring "Kingdom Hearts" to PS1 or PC!

Graphic made by Aubrey, please only use with HER permission.


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Graphic made by Aubrey, please only use with HER permission.

Each month, a new Disney MIDI will be playing on my home page. Want to request next month's MIDI?
Email me! If you are the only one, then that guarantees that it will be next month's MIDI. If it is more than one person then I'll use the most frequently requested song. :D
This month's MIDI playing is:
"Steady as the Beating Drum" from Pocahontas
<bgsound src="MIDI/beatingdrum.mid" loop=1>

Past MIDIs!

Graphic made by Aubrey, please only use with HER permission.

E-Mail Me!

Email Me

Graphic made by Aubrey, please only use with HER permission.

© Copyright 2002 "Alex's Disney Stuff" Webmaster. (not an official Copyright)
This site is no way owned, endorsed, or affiliated by The Walt Disney Corporation or any of it's affiliates. No money is being made or is intended to be made off of this website. All Disney Characters are © Disney. Harry Potter is an official trademark of Warner Bros, and is © J.K. Rowling. Any other characters are © their respectful owners. I take no credit whatsoever for any logos, pictures, music, etc. unless stated otherwise. E-mail the Webmaster with your questions, concerns, etc. All this is only meant to be a personal fansite just for fun, nothing here is intended to be commercial. All credits can be found here. Images are used without the source's permission.

Graphic made by Aubrey, please only use with HER permission.

Have a nice day! :P

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