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About me

Yeah, I talk about myself a lot. But who doesn't? ;) Just some basic facts about me. :D

Only days until September 3, when school starts! YIKES! I'm sooooo NOT excited...*is nervous*
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Basic stuff

Name: Alex
Birthday: May 14th (did you know that I share my birthday with George Lucas? :D)
Nicknames: I'm usually called (usually by my friends) Apy, Apster, Aps, Buddyboy, and others...
Location: I live in southern Pennsylvania with my parents and 3 sisters, in the Good Ol' USA!
Occupation: I'm still in school, but I'm hoping to become a Cast Member for Disney in my not-very-near future.
My friends: Chris, Charlie, Mike, Dante, Gilly, Robert, Gregg, Danielle, Kat, Morgan, Tim, Katie, Meg, lots and lots more...
From DisneySites!! Messageboards: Aubrey, Fame, Jamie, Bia, Liesel, Mars, Jennifer, Asa, Katya, Heather, and others that I forget right now.
Personal quote(s): "Have a nice day!" "La de da" "Yuppers" "No, no, no, you silly goose!" "Dancing Hand" And others that I'll post soon! :D

Things I like:

Food (:D)
Other things I like
Things I hate


I like alot of cusines, but mostly Italian, Mexican, and Chinese foods. I guess that fact that I'm part Italian and Chinese is part of the reason, but I'm really picky about what I eat sometimes. ;) I also like cooking my own foods, and I always get compliments. :P Particularly for my "ever-famous" spaghetti sauce, buffalo wings, and other stuff...but I rarely clean up after myself, so I wouldn't make a very good personal chef... ;) I love Coke and Root beer!! LOL. I also like mixing up some of my own concoctions; if it turns out tasting good, that's great, and if it doesn't...well...into the trash can it goes. I've gotten into international delicacies, though I don't think I'll ever be able to try escargot...;) And then of course, there's fast food. I know, it's unhealthy, but it tastes incredibly good! ;)


I recently "discovered" another interest of mine: music. I like any types of music, but mostly I like listening to classical, jazz (REAL jazz), lots of old music from the 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's...but to me good music is all about whether it sounds good (to me) or not. I don't pick my favorite songs by what band plays them or anything. I also like the "story" that's told in a song. And also, songs where you can actually make out the lyrics is a plus. Two songs that I really like and annoy people when I start singing them: "All you wanted" by Michelle Branch, and "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne. I can also relate to those songs really well. I like ALL Disney songs. A new little music hobby I like...listening to Disney songs in different languages. It's...interesting...;) I do have some skills with musical instruments, I play the piano and the guitar, but they are pretty poor...LOL. I'm learning. (the best I can do on piano is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in a version that I came up with. *rolls eyes*) :D


DISNEY!!! It's probably my biggest hobby yet. I mean, you ARE at a Disney website...*rolls eyes* ;) I love EVERYTHING about it!! The movies, the music, the animation, the's all so fascinating. I'm planning to work for the company in the future. Been to WDW twice, and I still haven't seen everything.
I get really upset when people stereotype it as 'just for kids.' They're WRONG. :D That's why I don't like to tell any of my friends about it...I don't want them making fun of me or anything. I also don't care what anyone else says about me liking it or just about it in General, cause they don't know what they're talking about. And it can't spoil my obsession for it anyways. :D


Movies …what’s to say on them? I’m not a big film critic, as I usually overrate a lot of movies that I see. :D Obviously, assuming that you read the above, a lot of the films on my top list would in fact be Disney…Some of my favorite Disney movies are (in no particular order: Lilo and Stitch, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Atlantis, and more. Other than Disney, I love Judy Garland movies! My favorite Judy Garland movie is definitely Meet Me in St. of the best films ever! I also like The Wizard of Oz, The Harvey Girls, and Easter Parade. :) I’m always up for a trip to the theatre…it’s so fun! ;)

Other things I like:

Internet…what would I do without it? It’s a great way to keep up with my friends, and I would have never created this (fabulous) web site! :P Which leads to the subject of email and IM, again, it’s my way of communicating I don’t want to make a phone call (I’m to chicken if someone else answers it.) O:-) DisneySites!! my online home! This is a great Disney messageboard where everyone is friendly and anyone is welcome. Cooking…see food. :D
KaZaA. My SAVIOR!!!!!! When Morpheus stopped working for me and Audiogalaxy died, KaZaA saved me and became my #1 music downloader! I download all sorts of songs from it, and I even downloaded a few movies (which I have learned to be PATIENT for. :rolleyes: ). Thanks, KaZaA people! :D
Pillows….I literally sleep with 10 pillows in my bed (and barely enough space for me :P) They’re just…comfortable! And I also sleep with like, one comforter and 5 blankets (this is in summertime…)
I like to read! When it's not required! LOL. My favorite novels that I have read are The Chronicles of Prydain, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, The His Dark Materials Trilogy, and others.
Other things as well. :)


Okay, I’m not gonna lie to you. I HATE sports if I’m forced to play. If I make the choice, maybe…but if any, I like playing like speedball (soccer and touch football combo), tennis, basketball, and others. That does NOT mean that I'm good at it! ROFL. ;) Ahh…swimming. That’s about the only sport I enjoy whether I have to do it or not. ;) Most likely because I get WET. Water is my friend. :D
Drawing, I love to do it! I like drawing my favourite Disney characters, as well as other things. I don’t think I’m THAT good, meaning, I’m not a Chrissy or anything, but it’s a start. :D To those who say they don’t have drawing skills: PRACTICE! I should start and art school…ROFL. ;)
Animating! We have an activity at camp for Digital Media. So far, we have made 3 animated movies. We use stop-animation with playmobil people and sets. :D Our first one was the animated short “When Good Cars Go Bad.” In this, Jon and Simon got in a “car accident.” It is rather funny, if you see it… The second was “The Legend of Captain Morgan, Episode 3: Search for the Holy Hot Pants.” (don’t ask…) and the one we did this year was “Space 2035, Episode 6: Search for the Perfect Belt.” (I came up with the title! :D)
I also like to design websites. Such as this (fabulous) one you see here! :D I’m slowly learning HTML, and I’m sure that if I read HTML For Dummies that I’ll get blown over. ;)

And things I just love to hate! (and that annoy me)

Annoying people. They just don't know where to stop! Grr. I've had a lot of recent experiences with pannoying people at school, but they're not coming back next year. And I've met a lot of the new people, they're all really nice.
COLIN!!!!! I hate him! (and I'm not the only one) God, he's annoying, arrogant, idiotic, and a jerk all in one. It's funny, cause you wouldn't believe your eyes if you saw him. He's one of the smallest, youngest and skinniest people in our class. He got to the point where people went to the extent and (on HIS standards...)"bullied" him. Thankfully, he's not coming back next year either. Everyone rejoiced when we found out.
People with "sick minds." I hate it, whenever I say something, they try and find ANY way possible and connect it to something inappropriate. And it's a pain. I've learned to ignore them, but it's hard, especially when one's best friend is starting to act that "way." :(
Colin again.
MY COMPUTER. It's incredibly slow, always freezes, and sometimes the audio hardware shuts off, and other REALLY ANNOYING things. I'm definitely getting Windows XP.

Things I'm annoyed by

I'm kind of annoyed by the "slacker's" way of typing. Also when they use zip punctuation, and have terrible spelling and grammar. It looks like this: "this is hwo sum people type and it realy annoys me how about u" UGH. It's just really hard "decoding" and stuff.
I don't really like how some people on DS are flood posting, or posting like mad JUST to raise their post count. Honestly, I'm almost at the point where I might request to Aaron to get rid of them, because it's no big deal! And it doesn't prove anything at all, except that you post a lot. There's really no point in doing it. DS isn't about posts, it's about having fun. I'll accept the fact that someone's excited about 1000 and getting a custom avatar, but really after 2000 posts there's no point.
Certain DS members who will remain nameless.
Bugs...they totally freak me out! Long in amusement parks and stuff...Kudos to Disney for making Fast Pass! Long waits are boring, they make my legs hurt, and I could be spending that time doing something else.
Disgusting stuff, falls under people with sick minds... Sunburn. It KILLS. Once, I had sunburn the day before I had to give a speech. Luckily it went away overnight. :D Paper-jams, speaks for itself. More...

Wanna contact me? Drop me an email! I'll be looking forward to your message! :D

Here are some quizzes I made at!
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