Submitting your stuff!

Submitting your works to Fanfic and Fanart is the most IMPORTANT part of my site. Thus I realllly would like your submissions. You can submit yaoi/yuri things from any one of these series and bask in the glow of praise from fellow yaoi lovers!:
Inu Yasha
Cowboy Bebop
Harry Potter
Fushigi Yugi
Pirates of the Carribean
Weiss Kruez
Wolf's Rain
Ranma 1/2
Angel Sanctuary
Interview With The Vampire
Love Hina
Demon Diary
Eerie Queerie
or anyother good show that I can't think up right now. No Buffy, LOTR, or Gundam Wing yaoi/yuri please. No daylight television. I don't do that...not my style.
Requirements for submissions
Please, if you can, and if you already have your submission set up on a website that'd be great! So all I have to do is link it. It takes up alot of time to make a page for it. But if you dont, e-mail me your submission that goes by the following format;

Name of fic:
Name of the series your characters are involved in:
Disclaimer: To ensure that you won't be yelled at by the original creator, it's a good idea to voice that you have no affiliation with any of the characters mentioned and that you in no way, gain profit for this.
Your Name and E-mail:
Your Homepage(if you have one):
Rating:(G through NC-17 and R)
Category: Angst/Smut/PWP/Darkfic/Fluff/Yaoi/Yuri(etc) See my Glossary of Fanfiction Terms for more Category choices.
Pairing: Your pair. Can be multiple, ie:Snape/Harry Hermione/Ginny, and Sirius/Snape etc.
Warnings: To warn others of Slash content, or N/C or Smut, PWP, or even ratings to keep the offense rate low.
Summary: Make it brief, but let it hit home
Notes: Any Notes or thankyou's you'd like to give out
Feedback: Yes or no?

Elaborated Information
Ratings are G through R-NC-17. No restraints, can be darkfic, twisted, fluff, anything really, unless I say so.
Set a rating for your fic. I might not have time to read all of them, and I'd like warnings up for protection purposes. Along with your fic, you can post your e-mail for comments and questions, also, I'd like to have to your e-mail, if you want.
Perks of Submitting

Submissions of fanfic/art automatically give you membership to SnDYYaoiAlliance. Membership includes your name and support on the SNDYYaoiAlliance Member's List, without having to ask. You can tell me if you don't want it. Also, if I really like your work, you can become a permanent archive member, so you won't have to ask anymore.

Fanart E-mail me your artwork on attatched files, or give me the site your artwork is placed on. Just tell me what series your yaoi/yuri based art comes from and I'll make a section for it if it hasn't already been done. Can be origional too. It might take a while to put your work up. It takes a looong time to do thumbnails, so I might have to just link it and describe what your picture is like, if pressed for time. Also, if I do have time to thumbnail it, but it's a NC-17 rated art, then it will be a working link only, to stop offence.

Contact me at: for submission permission.


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