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Convention Genie!!!

Hey there all you fanboys and fangirls of all ages! Here's the place where I will have ALL kinds of pictures from all the cons I go to. ^_^ Some of the pics may be borrowed from other websites, and I should have a credit page up soon so that you can see where I got some of my pics! Well, so far I've been to 4 cons and will be going on my 5th at the end of January 2003. I may seem like a newbie when it comes to cons, but I lived through AX2000 (The biggest anime convention in the US) and A-kon 13 (The biggest in Texas) and I'm still having fun! As well as AX and A-kon, I've been to Afest in 2001, and Ushicon in 2002. I will be going to Ushicon2 this year aswell, and hopefully to AnimeNorth in Toronto! So, check out the pictures, and check out the stats and info, and have a GREAT time!

My favorite things about a convention are...

Check out these other great convention websites!

Ushicon! Austin's very own anime convention!
A Fans View! Lots of pictures of TONS of cons!
Neon Pink - They have some good pics of cons too
They also do con pictures, especially Ushicon, my fav!

Use this area to browse my site! Have fun!

Picture Galleries
Ushicn 2002
A-kon 13
Ushicon 2003 (Coming Soon!)

Synopsi and Info
Anime Fest 2001
Ushicon 2002
A-kon 2002
Ushicon 2003 (Coming Soon!)