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NURIKO (Chou Ryuuen) first appears as "Kourin,"
a princess in Hotohori's court.
Kourin is eventually revealed to be Nuriko. At first,
Nuriko is jealous because she (he) really
loves Hotohori, who seems to have eyes only for Miaka.
But that's not the only thing standing in
the way of Nuriko and Hotohori getting together.
Nuriko is a man in a woman's dress because of a
tragic past.

Seishi Name: Nuriko
Real Name: Chou Ryuuen
Age: 18
Birthdate: 3/10
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: B
"Good" or "Bad": Good (Suzaku)
Location of Symbol: Left side of his chest
Symbol Meaning: Willow
Height: 166 cm,
Family: Father, mother, older brother Rokou, dead little sister Kourin, for whom he dresses like a girl for the rest of his life
Powers/Abilities: Superhuman strength
Loves: Miaka, Hotohori
Loved By: No one....
Hobbies: Crossdressing

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