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--Next Dimension--
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This is the next dimension. You come here once you die. Once you die you appear at King Yamma's Place where he looks at an overview of your life and decideds wether you go to HFIL or can roam around The ND(Next Dimension) freely.


King Yamm's Place- Here is where you first go once you arrive in the Next Dimension. King Yamma Lookouts at a brief overview of your life, your pros and cons and weighs one to the other(your alliance comes in handy here) and he determines wether you can roam around the Next Dimension freely or he pulls the plug behind his desk on you and you fall into HFIL. You can't train or spar here. There is a difference between HFIL and hell.

H.F.I.L.- The HFIL is the abbreviation for Home For Infinite Losers. If King Yamma pulls the plug on you you are sent here.Here you can train and spar. To escape from here you must fight and defeat Goz and Mez. If you cause too much rucuse a certain unknown fighter will come to "tame" you.

Snakeway- This is a long snake-like pathway that leads to King Kai's small planet. The Snakeway path is said to be over 100 million miles long. Here you can and spar.... but becareful because training and sparring makes it more possible for you to fall off of snakeway into the HFIL. Here you can train reguarly also if you wish.

King Kai's Planet- At the end of Snakeway there is a small planet. King Kai lives on this planet and will train anyone. You knows many moves that he will teach you and specailizes in the Spirit Bomb and Kaioken attacks.This planet is under 10x the gravity of Earth.(See King Kai's House on Planets page). Also with King Kai lives Bubbles, a monkey adapted to the planet, and Gregory an intelligent bug like creature also adapted to the planets gravity whom you can also train with.

Grand Kai's Mansion- This is where the Grand Kai lives. He is very powerful and teaches a few very powerful moves. Everyone once in a while he will hold a grand tournament at the battledome area. He will only teach the winner of the tournament unless it is neccessary. You can't train or spar here.

Grand Battledome- Here is a tournament ring where you can hold fights and tournaments. Here you can train and spar.

Hell- You are sent here by the mysterious fighter if you cause too much havok in the HFIL by trying to break lose and failing too many times. Here you are placed in a cell with up to 4 other people. It is very hard to escape... due to the guardian being the mysterious fighter.

"Your Power Level has increased since the last time we meet.......but I doubt it will be enough."