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Various Battle Armor

Weighted Clothing- Most commonly know for being worn by Goku and Piccolo, this clothing makes it harder to train. After taking them off the fighter's power level will rise.

Saiyan Armor- All of the original saiyans wore this. Vegeta introduced it to Gohan and Krillen in the Frieza saga. And later, Goku and Gohan when they went into the hyperbolic time chamber. Just about everyone wears this at one time.
Its made of extremely strong rubber even though it seems its made out of something heavier. It provides extra protection to the chest.


Advanced Saiyan Armor- Bulma made some touch ups on the old saiyan armor and produced this. This is what everyone wore in the Time Chamber. Notice this doesn't include the bottom or arm pieces the original version had. But it provides nice protection the the chest area.

Boots- I guess you could consider this armor. It does provide a bit of protection. Well not much to these. Most are brown and don't come up very high on the leg. Some made of extremely hard material and others rather weak. White boots (shown above) are worn by saiyans equipped with saiyan armor. Brown are usually worn with no armor, just a thin layer of clothing. And the famous orange outfit, worn by Goku and Krillin, are blue with a stripe of red. This is an area that's untouched in DB Z/Gt.


Helmets- The one above belongs to the Great Saiyaman. Not many people where helmets. They provide decent protection but are rarely seen on fighters.

Gloves- When wearing Saiyan Armor, fighters where plain white gloves which got up to their forearms. Those wearing the earlier versions of the armor have smaller gloves. Normally if your not wearing some type of actual armor, then you wear wristbands. But an exception for that is Vegeta. He is hardly ever seen without them in Dragonball Z. Wristbands can also be weights as I explained at weighted clothing.


Wristbands- Wristbands are not worn with anyone sporting saiyan armor in DBZ. They are worn either for looks or extra weight. And as you can see above most match the belt.

Belts- Belts are commonly worn with any outfit other than saiyan armor. Their only main use could be carrying small supplies (senzu beans). The color of the belt is usually matching to a color of the persons other clothes.