DBZLO Character Profiles
Gohan and Niko are rather good-natured but I would tread carefully. They can be fierce

Character Profiles

I got the idea for this from another website. These are profiles of the original characters in my fics. This is just to help you keep track of the characters. And to make it even easier for you guys, I've seperated the profiles by saga. More profiles will come as the fic continues and new characters are introduced. WARNING: Contains spoilers!

Shizen & Frozena Saga Profiles

Kyloa's Profile
Piccolo's Profile

Lidal Saga & Lidal's Story Profiles

Kya's Profile
Piccolo's Profile
Lidal's Profile
Pendril's Profile
Trunks' Profile

Mystic Saga Profiles

The Z Children Profile
Mr. Yondeiru's Profile
Dr. Aleks' Profile
Ali Mystic's Profile
The Resurrected Villains of DBZ

Return of Seventeen Profiles

Seventeen's Profile
Raina's Profile

Guardian Saga Profiles

The Z Children Grown Profile
The Next Generation Profile

Email: kitty_lark@hotmail.com