Raina's Profile

Name: Raina Bantes

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height: 5' 7''

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Tawny Brown

Family: None

Ablities: Raina is completely human. She has no fighting abilities, nor cares to learn. Her skills lie with dancing and performing.

History: Not much is known about Raina or her past. She is an excellent dancer and is a member of a traveling dance troupe that put on performances in the villages and cities they visit. She is on vacation from the group, having some alone time, when she runs into Seventeen. He ends up saving her life and to return the favor, she takes care of him while he recovers from his injuries. But can she change him like she wishes to? To found out more, read my fanfiction.

Personality: Raina is a very lively person, who can brighten up anyone she comes across. Outgoing and generous, no one speaks ill of her. But she may have met her match when trying to teach Seventeen about life and love.

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