Lidal's Profile

Name: Lidal
(Pronounced Li, as in lit and dal, as in doll)

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Shizen, Half-Namek

Height: 5' 10''

Hair: Dark forest green

Eyes: Coal black

Family: Earth(Krechi), Grandmother / Piccolo, Father / Kya, Mother / Pendril, Brother(Twin)

Ablities: As a Shizen, Lidal is able to shape herself into any of one of the four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. Like her mother, she is unusually fast when it comes to running and flying, which makes her faster than a Super Saiyan. As a Namek, she uses ki blasts as well. Lidal also has the rare gift of Sight, which enables her to have visions of the future. Luckily, her gift is weak, giving her only a few visions a year. Those with stronger Sight lost their sanity.

History: Lidal and her brother were born two years after Queen Frozena was defeated. Their father trained them to fight while their mother trained them in their Shizen abilites. At thirteen, Lidal had her first vision and it was discovered she had the Sight. At fifteen, she had her first heat cycle, rampaging around in a fit of fury 'til her family and friends figured out what was wrong with her. While her brother was trained as a Chi warrior, she was trained as a back-up in case a Chi died and a fusion was needed. When she was nineteen, the Namek Elder Muuri sent for the Z fighters' help. And there, Lidal has the biggest adventure of her life. To found out more, read my fanfiction.

Personality: Lidal is quiet and serious and is not as emotional as others, like her father. Having to deal with a strange and unsual gift contibuted to that. The only people who know her inside and out is her twin brother, Pendril and her sendragon, Kindle. Although Lidal loves her family, she is slightly afraid to open her heart to anyone else. But someone is determined to break her shell, just as Piccolo broke her mother's shell.

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