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My Fanfics


As you wander around the castle helplessly, you reach a large room that appears to be a library, lit with candles on many chandeliers. It had large shelves of books covering all the walls, and many places in between.

You look at them in wonder for a few minutes until you feel a cold hand on your shoulder.

After you calm yourself down, you notice two small children on the floor laughing at you. One has purple skin and light blue hair and the other has snow-white skin and light pink hair. They both have horns on their heads. After a few moments the realize that you are staring at them.

The purple boy stands up and smiles, "Greetings Traveler!" He says and bows politely. "We are at your service."

"Sure you say that after you frighten our poor guest to death!" The pink haired girl says to the boy, bapping him on the head.

He grins at you, "Please excuse me for a moment your excellency." He turns to the girl who runs off giggling and teasing him.

He is about to take off when he turns around and says to you, "Please take a look at our books, and tell us what you think of them. this is the archive of the stories that Lady Pistachio has gained through all her travels." He takes off.

You look at the signs on the side of the shelves and see that they are labeled with sections of what show there is fanfics for. You go to the ones that look the most interesting and read them.

Mutant Imagination!

My Art Gallery!

Ukanita's Fic

Hiiro and Relena's Romance?
More fanfics to come soon!

After reading the things that you thought were going to be interesting, you start to wonder if this Pistachio is crazy or what. You leave the two children quarreling, and go back to the Main Hall.
