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Willem's Paintings.
All paintings copyright Willem Wijnberg 2014
<contact Willem>

berners and newfies
Family portrait
Willem's Newfoundlands and BMD's

Willem's Paintings for Fundraising
click on the paintings below for enlargements
and see the links for the latest fundraising events and results

The Berner Lovers - AKC CHF
Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser 2012
Our goal for the 2012 Berner Lovers' Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser was to raise $20,000 - $10,000 for both Dr. Elaine Ostrander's and $10,000 for Dr. Catherine Andre's research on histiocytic sarcoma in Bernese Mountain Dogs. We came within $633.08 of our goal - we were able to raise $19,366.92

The 8th Annual Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser
April 15th 2011 to June 15th 2011
This year we were trying to raise $35,000 to support Dr. Matthew Breen's Histio Research Study. We smashed right past our goal and didn't stop there! As of today, July 19th, we have raised a total of $45,524.71. When you add the additional $10,000 from the George Pappas/Fara Bushnell and the Anonymous Donors, that brings the total to $55,524.71!!!

The 7th Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser 2010
To see the very many wonderful prizes Willem created for this Fundraiser
A total of $14,510.82 was received for cancer research
<click here>

The 6th Annual Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser 2008
To see the very many wonderful prizes Willem created for this Fundraiser
A total of $18,190.17 was received for cancer research
<click here>

The 5th Annual Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser 2007
$21,947.93 was raised for research into Malignant Histiocytosis being done by
Dr. Matthew Breen (North Carolina State University) and Dr. Elaine Ostrander (National Institutes of Health,)
which will need continuation funds in September.
When we send this money to fund the research this fall, we hope there is at least a one to one match,
so our efforts should result in around $44,000 towards fighting cancer in our Berners.

To see the very many wonderful prizes Willem created for this Fundraiser
<click here>

The 4th Annual Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser 2006
$20,423.29 was raised to support the Malignant Histiocytosis and Hemangiosarcoma research
on Berners being done by Dr. Matthew Breen.
<click here>

The 3rd Annual Willem Wijnberg Cancer Fundraiser
An amazing $26,820.12. was raised to fund research into Malignant Histiocytosis. <click here>


Two new paintings from Willem for this Fundraiser

Puppy with cuddly toy Puppy in the Shade
"I LOVE my fluffy toy" Mum the sun is too hot,
I prefer the shadow
under the Hosta leaves

Speciality Raffle 2003 - at LongBeach, CA, April 26th 2003

Angel and Amika Enzo's First Snow
Angel and Amika, "Mum, we like the Snow! "Enzo's first snow"

Raffle to benefit the AKC CHF (Canine Health Foundation)
17th April '03
In loving memory of Joye Neff's Berner Boy,Winston, who was recently lost to Histio, and of all our Berners who have been lost to canine cancer.
....through the generosity of 137 individuals, we have raised......$ 6,730!!!!
The BEST PART of the amount we raised is that the money we raise is matched at a 50% rate, so the real total we raised is: $6,730 + $3,365 = $10,095!!!

Mother and Daughter Bella, New Happiness
Mother and Daughter
Winner: Robin Windlinger
Bella, New Happiness
Winner: Cathie Shipe

Willem donated these paintings for the CHALLENGE Fundraiser for BARC and LOC

The total money raised with this fundraiser in January '03 was.........$8,056.47!!
BARC raised $4,362.71
LOC raised $3,693.76
Eden Dillon, BARC puppy
Eden, Item no: 79 Dillon, Item no: 83

These two paintings were raffled in November '02
Almost $4000 raised on behalf of Cancer Research

Yaspar! Samson Puppy!
Yaspar. My Samson Puppy!

For more of Willem's amazing paintings,
Click on the individual paintings below to enlarge.

Newfoundland, Simba Bernese Mountain Dog, Cheetah Simba, Newfie Newfie Puppy
Newfoundland, Simba Bernese Mountain Dog,
Newfoundland, Simba Newfie Puppy.
Aquila Doema Ottello Bandit
Aquila Doema Ottello Bandit
Irma simba Simba
Irma Simba Simba

Bernese Mountain Dog Head Studies.

BMD Alma Boefje, BMD Berner Musky Bernese Mountain Dog Head Study

Willem's Paintings for Friends.

Hannibal Hazel
for Pat

for Karen
3 Newfies. For Karen

Angel & Amika
Samson BMD

Barney, Sunny and Simmy
Benji and Merlin
Three Newfies
for Shirley
Britt, Angel & Amika
for Karen
Sam, Barney, Sunny and Sim, for Jean Benji & Merlin
for Emma
Jack Russell Puppy Belgium Sheep Dog BMD Winston for Joye
Jack Russell Puppy Belgium Sheep Dog
for Peter
Bernese Mountain Dog,
Winston, for Joye and Bill
Babe for Valerie Berner Zac for Liz Monique's cats Karen's Berners
Babe for Valerie Zac for Liz Monique's cats Angel, Amika and Britt for Karen

Willem's paintings on china.

Three Berners on china Oriol

Cat Studies

cat head study1 cat head study cat head study

Willem's Wild Life Paintings,

wolf cheetahs fox cubs Stag
Wolf Cheetahs Fox Cubs Stag
3 reebokken in de zon 3 vossen kopjes afrikaans hert Auerhaan
3 reebokken in de zon 3 vossen kopjes Afrikaans hert Auerhaan
buiserd burlend hert dansende vossen de waakzamen moeder
Buisard Burlend hert Dansende vossen De waakzamen moeder
Fazanten Hert in Zweden Hout Snip Ijsvogel
Fazanten Hert in Zweden Hout Snip Ijsvogel
Korhenders Ochtend Nevel Oliphant Reiger met eenden
Korhoenders Ochtend Nevel Oliphant Reiger met eenden
spiegel beeld Tegenlicht Reebok in zon
Spiegel Beeld Tegenlicht Reebok in zon

All paintings copyright Willem Wijnberg 2002.
<contact willem>

*Samson's Story. *My Gang .* Sunny,Simmy&Barney,* Friend's Gallery.*
*In Loving Memory*Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. * Bernese Art*

*Articles & Info. *Berner Shop *Recent Updates*

*Longlease Home Page*